Give your butts a rounder shape with these 5 lower glute exercises

Lower glute exercises improve the appearance of the butts. (Photo via Pexels/Ketut Subiyanto)
Lower glute exercises improve appearance of the butts. (Photo via Pexels/Ketut Subiyanto)

Want to achieve a rounder and well-defined butt? If yes, incorporating lower glute exercises into your lower body workout routine can help.

Regular practice of lower glute exercises not only helps improve appearance of the lower butt but also provide more power and stability to other major lower body muscles. That helps improve all sorts of daily and athletic activities and stabilizes the hips and spine too.

In this article, we’ve outlined five of the best lower butt exercises for you to try in your next lower body workout session. Whether you want to improve the appearance of the lower glutes for enhanced sports performance or simply for aesthetic reasons, the following exercises are sure to help you achieve it all.

Best lower glute exercises for stronger butts

Here are five of the best lower butt workouts to add to your next workout session:

#1 Single-leg Romanian deadlift

Single-leg Romanian deadlift works on each side of the body separately. (Photo via Pexels/MART PRODUCTION)
Single-leg Romanian deadlift works on each side of the body separately. (Photo via Pexels/MART PRODUCTION)

The single-leg Romanian deadlift is one of the best lower glute exercises that not only improves appearance of the butts but corrects muscular imbalances too. This unilateral exercise strengthens each side of the body separately and boosts strength.

To do a single-leg Romanian deadlift:

  • Stand with both feet together and hands on the sides. Grab a dumbbell or kettlebell in your right hand.
  • Shift your weight onto your left foot, and bend your knees for support and balance. Hinge at the hips, and lean forward to extend your right leg out straight behind you.
  • Lower the dumbbells down the leg while keeping the lower back straight and stable.
  • Stand back up, and continue the exercise for a few reps more. Switch sides, and repeat.

#2 Glute kickback

Glute kickbacks are also among the most productive lower glute exercises that train the hamstrings and strengthen them.

You can do this exercise as a bodyweight move, or use a cable machine or a resistance band for added resistance and challenge.

To do a glute kickback:

  • Attach an ankle strap to a cable machine at a low level, and loop the cuff around the right ankle. Stand straight with feet together, and slightly lean forward.
  • With the back flat and abs engaged, squeeze the glute, and lift your right leg behind the body with control.
  • Pause for a few seconds at the top of the movement, and slowly lower your leg back to the starting position.
  • Repeat, and switch sides.

#3 Frog squat

Frog squats are among the most effective lower glute exercises to do. (Photo via Pexels/Kampus Production)
Frog squats are among the most effective lower glute exercises to do. (Photo via Pexels/Kampus Production)

Frog squats are an amazing lower butt exercise that involves pulsing in a squat position.

Doing this exercise daily helps sculpt and tone the butts and also gives an intense workout to the entire lower body. If you're a beginner, start without weight, and do this exercise as a bodyweight move.

To do a frog squat:

  • Stand with feet at shoulder width and toes turned outward. Hold your hands together in front of you, just below the chin.
  • Squat down as low as you can, and ensure that the elbows touch the knees. With the elbows on the knees, slowly push your hips back and up as far as you can, and lower back into a squat.
  • Avoid rounding the lower back while squatting. Repeat for the desired number of reps.

#4 Donkey kick

Donkey kicks are one of the most effective lower glute exercises that also work on the hamstrings and improve their strength and stability.

This exercise can be done without any equipment, but you can use a resistance band for additional challenges and resistance. Moreover, you can also wear ankle weights to make the exercise more intense and difficult.

To do a donkey kick:

  • Take a position on all fours, with the shoulders directly over the hands and butts over the knees.
  • Keep the arms and back straight, and ensure that your hands are at shoulder-width. Tuck your chin in, and keep your head stable.
  • Engage your core muscles, and extend your hips as you lift your right leg out and behind you. As you do that, push your heel towards the ceiling while maintaining the position.
  • Lower your leg back slowly, and repeat a few times. Switch sides, and repeat.

#5 Barbell back squat

Barbell back squats are one of the best lower glute exercises. (Photo via Pexels/Li Sun)
Barbell back squats are one of the best lower glute exercises. (Photo via Pexels/Li Sun)

Barbell back squats are another very effective and useful lower butt exercise that not only helps shape the butts but improves strength and stability throughout the entire lower body. This exercise also improves posture and reduces risk of lower body injuries.

To do a barbell back squat:

  • Place the barbell on your upper back with an appropriate amount of weight.
  • Stand straight with the feet slightly wider than shoulder width, and keep the toes pointed slightly outward.
  • With the abs engaged and back straight, push the hips back, and slowly bend at the knees.
  • Squat down till the legs form a 90-degree angle. Reverse the movement, and push back up to the starting position.

By adding the aforementioned lower glute exercises to your workout routine, you can develop and strengthen the butts and also improve appearance of the glutes.

Apart from strengthening the glutes, these exercises train the hamstrings, quads, calves and other lower body muscles while also stabilizing the core.

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