Looking for Cure for Hiccups? Try These Quick Remedies

One can take help from home cure for hiccups for mild condition. (Image via Pexels/ Cottonbro Studio)
One can use home cure for hiccups for mild condition. (Image via Pexels/ Cottonbro Studio)

If you are stuck with hiccups, chances are that you have been offered a bizarre cure for hiccups as well. The best part is that some of these weird cures might have even worked!

Although we are aware of what happens to the body during a case of hiccups, it is still difficult for doctors to identify the exact causes and treatments. Some bouts of hiccups may continue for five minutes, while others persist for five months. Yet others are caused by anxiety, while many are brought on by a fizzy drink.

Hiccups can be quite annoying. (Image via Pexels/ Andrea Piacquadio)
Hiccups can be quite annoying. (Image via Pexels/ Andrea Piacquadio)

Hiccups often last a few minutes, although can occasionally linger for weeks or even months. In either case, the majority of people want to get rid of them quickly and will do anything to stop them. Although regularly seen in adults, newborn hiccups are also common.

Hiccups can be treated with a number of pharmaceutical drugs, but if you're hiccupping maniacally, a home cure for hiccups might be your simplest choice.

Best Ways That Provide Cure for Hiccups

These cure for hiccups is for the ones that last only a few minutes. See your doctor if your hiccups are persistent and do not go away within 48 hours. This could indicate an underlying issue that needs to be treated.

1) Deep Breath

Deep breathing is the most used cure for hiccups.

Take a deep breath. Breathe deeply, hold your breath for 10 to 20 seconds, and then gently exhale. Repetition is required.

2) Chest Compression

Chest compression is another great cure for hiccups.

For chest compressions, tighten up your chest. Compress your chest by leaning or bending forward since this puts pressure on your diaphragm.

3) Hold Your Tongue Out

The muscles and nerves in your throat are stimulated when you pull on your tongue. Gently drag your tongue forward once or twice by holding the tip of your tongue.

Holding your tongue out is also a cure for hiccups. (Image via Unsplash/ Alex Mihai)
Holding your tongue out is also a cure for hiccups. (Image via Unsplash/ Alex Mihai)

4) Grip Your Palm Firmly

This is also the best way to get rid of hiccups. Put pressure on the palm of your other hand with your thumb.

5) Place Sugar on Your Tongue

Keep a small amount of sugar, around half a teaspoon, at the back of the tongue. After holding it for two minutes, swallow the sugar. The tongue can be used to provide pressure and help loosen up the diaphragm muscles.

6) Bite a Lemon

The tart flavor and pleasant scent of lemons naturally energize the nasopharynx muscles. As a result, the knots of the diaphragm muscles are released, which makes it a great cure for hiccups.

Try lemon bite for curing hiccups. (Image via Unsplash/ Diana Polekhina)
Try lemon bite for curing hiccups. (Image via Unsplash/ Diana Polekhina)

7) Stretch Your Diaphragm

Stretching the muscles in your diaphragm, which is what's producing your spasmodic hiccups, should put an end to them. The stretch is simple to perform. Breathe deeply until your lungs and tummy feel totally full of air. You should experience a sense of airlessness. Keep your breath for as long as you can. Exhale softly when you need to breathe.

Have the hiccups stopped? If this doesn't work, repeat this diaphragm stretch a few times or try the "hold your breath" cure for hiccups.

8) Stick Your Fingers in Your Ear

This cure for hiccups is entertaining and amusing to look at. Try inserting your fingers in your ears for 30 seconds the next time you hiccup. You can also put your fingers into the soft spot at the base of your skull, directly behind your earlobes.

This method of touching your ears causes your vagus nerve to relax, which in turn causes your diaphragm to stop spasming and, eventually, ends your hiccups.

Knowing about the causes of hiccups can also help you opt for the best possible cures for hiccups.

Constant hiccups can make it difficult to talk, eat, or sleep. In the event that your hiccups are persistent, speak with your doctor. To determine whether a disease or disorder is the underlying reason, your doctor could decide to request additional testing.

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