5 Plank Exercises You Can Do at Home for Strong Abs

Plank helps build stronger and solid abs. (Photo via Pexels/Miriam Alonso)
Planks help build stronger and solid abs. (Photo via Pexels/Miriam Alonso)

Planks are one of the best isometric exercises to achieve toned abs and a strong core. They're an important addition to your at-home fitness routine and for good reason.

Not only do they help get super solid abs, but this classic stabilizing move also works on flexibility, amps up metabolism, improves balance, and promotes a healthy spine, reducing chances of back pain and injuries.

Apart from the traditional variation that requires you to hold your body on your forearms and toes for a few seconds or minutes, there are various plank exercises that can be added to your home workout routine. They add variety to your session and challenge the muscles even more.

Ready to change your abs workout routine? Do that with these variation exercises:

At-home plank exercises for stronger and solid abs

Add the following five exercises to your everyday workout routine to work up your abs and core muscles more intensely:

1) Side elbow plank

Adding this exercise to your routine offers some great benefits. It strengthens the hips, shoulders and sides of the core muscles all at once and also protects the spine from injuries and other problems. It puts a bit more pressure on the shoulder joints but also helps balance.

Muscles worked: glutes, obliques, biceps, adductor, and core


  • Lie down on your left side on a mat, and balance your body by positioning your left forearm and elbow on the mat. Ensure that your palms are flat on the floor, and place your right arm on your waist.
  • Keep your legs extended straight, and stack your right foot on your left.
  • Slightly flex your knees and lift your hips so that you're now balanced on your left elbow and the side of your left foot. Make sure the body is in a straight line from head to toes.
  • Hold the position for as long as you can, and keep breathing easily.

2) Plank with shoulder tap

You should practice this exercise to improve your overall stability and control. During this exercise, the core engagement needs to be much harder to keep the body balanced.

Muscles worked: glutes, arms, shoulders, and core


  • Take a standard plank position.
  • Lift your left hand, and touch your opposite shoulder. Return that hand to the starting position, and lift your right hand to touch your left shoulder.
  • Continue to do the movement for a few counts while maintaining your position.

3) Star side arm plank

This is an advanced variation best suited for pro exercisers, as it requires a lot of stability and balance. It largely targets the obliques and helps offer contractions in the hips as well.

Muscles worked: adductors, shoulders, biceps, arms, obliques, glutes, and core


  • Start in a side plank position with your left arm below your left shoulder and legs extended behind, with your feet stacked on one another.
  • Extend your top leg and arm straight up towards the sky while balancing the body on your forearm and bottom toe.
  • Stay in the position for as long as you can.

4) Dolphin plank

This exercise improves the shoulder and back muscles and also helps give strong abs. It targets the spine and helps promote good posture.

Muscles worked: shoulders, calves, abs, chest, legs, lower back, abdomen, and arms


  • Take a basic plank position, with your legs straight behind and arms directly under your shoulders.
  • Once you're balanced, slowly lift your hips towards the ceiling, and hold the position for a few seconds. Ensure that the body looks like an inverted 'V'.

5) Plank up and down

This is a fun variation that builds stronger abs and tones the entire core muscle as well. Moreover, it promotes posture, helps reduce weight, and tones the midsection too.

Muscles worked: biceps, shoulders, glutes, lats, wrist flexors, and core


  • Take a standard push-up position.
  • Once you're properly balanced, bend your left elbow, and move your forearm down. Simultaneously, bend your right elbow, and move your right forearm down to get into a forearm plank position.
  • Straighten your right arm followed by your left, and return to the starting position.
  • Continue to do the movement for a few counts.


While the aforementioned exercises are quite easy and can be easily done at home, it's still important to be cautious and focus on the form to target the correct muscles, and most importantly, to avoid muscle strain.

The key is to add a few of these moves to your regular workout session and be consistent in your practice so that you achieve stronger and toned abs safely and efficiently.

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