Vaporub for teeth: Can you use it for toothache?

Whether Vicks Vaporub for teeth can be helpful when it comes to dental health is a topic that is frequently questioned (Shiny Diamond/ Pexels)
Does Vicks Vaporub for teeth affect dental health? (Shiny Diamond/Pexels)

When it comes to oral health, there are often questions about whether Vicks Vaporub for teeth can be useful. The popular over-the-counter remedy has been known for its versatility in providing relief from various ailments.

In this article, we explore the potential use of Vicks Vaporub for teeth ache relief and whether it's safe to apply it to teeth.

Understanding Vicks Vaporub

Vicks Vaporub is a topical ointment that contains a combination of ingredients like camphor, menthol, eucalyptus oil and other essential oils.

It's commonly used to alleviate symptoms of congestion, cough and muscle pain. When applied to the skin, the menthol and camphor in Vicks Vaporub produce a cooling feeling that may temporarily numb discomfort.

However, using it on sensitive areas like the teeth requires careful consideration.

Can you use Vicks Vaporub on your teeth?

Vicks Vaporub isn't intended for oral usage and isn't approved for it. (Cottonbro Studio/Pexels)
Vicks Vaporub isn't intended for oral usage and isn't approved for it. (Cottonbro Studio/Pexels)

While some people may have heard of using Vicks Vaporub for toothache relief, it's important to note that using Vicks Vaporub for teeth is not specifically designed or approved for oral use.

The skin on the lips and the inside of the mouth is more delicate than that on the rest of the body. So introducing external substances like Vicks Vaporub to the mouth could lead to potential issues.

Possible risks and concerns using Vaporub for teeth

  • Ingestion risk: The ingredients in Vicks Vaporub are not meant to be ingested. Applying it directly to teeth can inadvertently lead to ingestion through saliva. Swallowing camphor or menthol in significant amounts can be harmful.
  • Irritation: The strong menthol and camphor scent of Vicks Vaporub can cause irritation or burning sensations when applied to the delicate tissues inside the mouth.
  • Toxicity: Camphor, an active ingredient in Vicks Vaporub for teeth, can be toxic if ingested in large amounts. Accidentally swallowing even a small amount of Vicks Vaporub could pose a risk.
  • Gum and tooth sensitivity: Applying Vicks Vaporub to the teeth can exacerbate existing gum or tooth sensitivity, potentially causing discomfort.

Safe alternatives for toothache relief

There are safer substitutes for treating toothaches. (Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels)
There are safer substitutes for treating toothaches. (Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels)

Instead of using Vicks Vaporub for teeth, consider these safer alternatives for toothache relief:

Over-the-counter dental gels: There are dental gels specifically designed for toothache relief that are safe to use on sensitive oral tissues.

Clove oil: Clove oil has natural analgesic properties and is often used for temporary toothache relief. It ought to be diluted with a carrier oil and applied sparingly, though.

Saltwater rinse: Gargling with warm salt water can help reduce inflammation and provide temporary relief from toothache discomfort.

Cold compress: Applying a cold compress to the outside of the cheek can help numb the area and alleviate pain.

While Vicks Vaporub is effective in providing relief for certain ailments, it's not recommended for use on teeth or within the mouth. The potential risks, including ingestion and irritation, outweigh any benefits.

It's best to consult a dentist for proper diagnosis and treatment of toothaches or any other dental concerns. There are safer alternatives available that are specifically formulated for oral use.

These can provide effective relief without the risks associated with using Vicks Vaporub on teeth.

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