205 Live Results - May 15th, 2018

The Flash, The Heart and The Soul
The Flash, The Heart and The Soul

Tonight's episode of 205 Live featured members of the WWE UK Division. The UK stars that would appear on the purple brand were Tyler Bate, James Drake, Kenny Williams, "Flash" Morgan Webster, and Joseph Conners.

Fatal-4-Way Match: Tyler Bate vs TJP vs Kenny Williams vs Kalisto

Tyler Bate came out first, while the commentary team discussed Bate's loss to TJP the last time he was on 205 Live. TJP followed, and Vic Josephs said TJP said the entire UK and 205 Live rosters are jealous of his ability.

Next up was Kenny Williams, with Kalisto coming out last. Kenny Williams noted in a promo that he was the only person in the match to not be a former champion in the WWE.

TJP rolled out as the match began, and Williams and Bate took down Kalisto. TJP dragged Bate outside, then jumped in the ring, taking out Williams. Kalisto's speed was too much for TJP to handle, as the luchador countered TJP's offence, taking him down with a dropkick.

TJP got the upper hand, however, putting Kalisto in a reverse Boston Crab, before breaking the hold to knock Williams and Bate back off the apron. The cruiserweights worked their way to the top rope, leading Kalisto to attempt the Salida Del Sol. TJP escaped, hanging himself in a Tree of Woe, leading Kenny Williams to hit him with a dropkick.

Kalisto took Williams outside, and Bate began assaulting TJP. After hitting the former Cruiserweight Champion with stiff punches, he landed a belly-to-belly suplex, garnering a two-count.

Bate put TPJ in the fireman's carry position, performing the Airplane Spin, and used TJP to take out Kenny Williams and Kalisto before throwing TJP onto Williams.

Bate hit Williams with a pair of European Uppercuts and threw him into the corner. Williams caught Bate with a springboard back elbow, knocking Bate out of the ring. Kalisto was thrown out, leaving TJP and Kenny Williams in the ring.

TJP locked Williams in the middle of the ring with a leglock. When Tyler Bate and Kalisto attempted to break the lock, TJP held all three men in submission holds before Williams broke free. Kalisto was next, breaking out of a headlock before hitting both TJP and Bate with a dropkick.

Kalisto caught Williams with a kick to the head, but when he went to the top, TJP pushed Williams into the rope. TJP went for a superplex, but Bate interrupted. Kenny Williams followed Bate up top, causing TJP to bring them all crashing down in a tower of doom.

TJP knocked Kalisto outside, but Williams hit a springboard back elbow on him. Williams followed up with two dives, taking out both Kalisto and TJP. However, Bate followed Williams outside, landing on TJP and Williams. Finally, Kalisto hit a somersault plancha, taking out all three opponents.

Kalisto threw Williams in the ring and started a Lucha chant. Williams countered a tilt-a-whirl from Kalisto into a DDT, but Tyler Bate hit him with a superkick before he could capitalize. TJP caught Williams with a kick, and Williams and Kalisto found themselves outside.

TJP and Bate took each other out with a double clothesline. Williams laid Kalisto out on the floor, but before he could launch himself into the ring, Bate caught him with a left hook. Bate countered TJP's submission, hitting him with the springboard clothesline followed by the Tyler Driver '97 for the win.

Results: Tyler Bate defeated TJP, Kalisto, and Kenny Williams

A video package played of Buddy Murphy, highlighting his strength over the other cruiserweights. Murphy called himself the juggernaut of the division.

Vic Joseph and Percy Watson announced that next week Akira Tozawa will face off against his former partner Hideo Itami.

Cruiserweight Champion Cedric Alexander and Mustafa Ali were backstage talking strategy when "Flash" Morgan Webster joined them, telling them that 205 Live has gotten a touch of flash.

Drake Maverick made his way to the ring ahead of the upcoming six-man tag team match.

Six-Man Tag Team Match: Cedric Alexander, Mustafa Ali and "Flash" Morgan Webster vs Drew Gulak, Joseph Conners and James Drake

As the faces made their way to the ring, Maverick talked to the commentary team about the upcoming title match between Buddy Murphy and Cedric Alexander

The heels were interviewed backstage, with Drew Gulak saying that they've been working on team building exercises all day. Gulak went onto say that they would better their opponents into submission.

Conners and Alexander began the match, with Alexander getting the upper hand early with a wristlock. Both men countered in and out of the wristlock before Conners forced Alexander into the corner with furious elbow strikes. Alexander escaped, flipping Conners with head scissors followed by a dropkick.

Alexander forced Conners into the corner, tagging in "Flash" Morgan. Morgan's speed was too much for Conners, as he tagged in James Drake. Drake was befuddled by Flash's speed and tagged in Drew Gulak. Gulak forced Flash into the ropes, but Flash caught him with a hurricanrana. Gulak tagged in Conners who was taken down by Flash again. Ali tagged in, taking out Conners' arm.

Conners took over when he grabbed a handful of Ali's hair, forcing him into the corner like he did with Alexander earlier in the match. Ali fought out of it, catching Conners with a kick to the jaw. Gulak and Drake got into the ring to talk a game strategy. Drake then tagged in, taking down Ali with stiff punches. Drake tagged Conners in, and the duo stomped Ali out.

Conners threw Ali into his corner, but Ali attempted to escape for a tag. However, Gulak came in to make the save, but Ali got away, tagging in Flash. Flash was immediately overtaken by Gulak who hung Flash on the ropes.

Gulak brought Flash into the corner before tagging in "Mr Mayhem" James Drake, who beat down Flash some more, drawing some blood. Flash was forced into the corner but fought both Gulak and Conners off the apron before hitting Drake with a hurricanrana. Flash tagged Ali while Drake tagged Conners, with Ali's speed giving him the advantage.

Ali caught Conners with a dropkick and a rolling facebuster, taking out Gulak and Drake on his way. The Heart of 205 put Conners up top, tossing him off the turnbuckle with a hurricanrana, hitting Drake on the way down. Ali, however, could only manage a two-count. Conners played possum, throwing Ali throat first into the ropes before he tagged in Drake.

Drake couldn't keep up with Ali who tagged the Cruiserweight Champion in, who was too much for Drake to handle. An uppercut and a flying forearm earned him a two-count. Both teams made their way into the ring next, with each man hitting signature moves on one another.

James Drake and Cedric Alexander took each other down, leaving all six men laying on the mat.

Everyone got back to their feet as Flash and Ali took Conners and Drake to the outside. Gulak caught Cedric Alexander with an ankle lock but forced him into the turnbuckle before tagging in Ali, who hit a flying tornado DDT. Ali hit the 054 for the win.

Results: Mustafa Ali, Cedric Alexander, and Flash Morgan defeated Drew Gulak, Joseph Conners, and James Drake

As "Flash" Morgan Webster, Mustafa Ali and Cedric Alexander held their hands high, the commentary team reminded the audience that Alexander needs to watch his back over the next few weeks, as Murphy looks to capture the Cruiserweight Championship in a few weeks.

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