5 reasons why Jeff Hardy is getting a singles push

Akash C
More singles titles in Jeff's future?
More singles titles in Jeff's future?

Looking at the way things are going on Monday Night Raw, the WWE creative team are gearing themselves towards another big singles push for Jeff Hardy. Things started off two weeks ago when Jeff won the right to challenge The Miz for the latter's Intercontinental Championship.

Sure, things didn't exactly go to plan on this past episode of Monday Night Raw, but it's clear that the company is still very high on the younger Hardy brother taking centre stage in singles competition yet again. And to be honest, it makes sense. The Hardy Boyz have looked a little stale these past few months and a big change might be the best way forward.

After all, the tag team division on Monday nights has gained a new top babyface team in the form of Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins. This coupled with the fading nostalgia of the Hardyz' return means it's time to shake things up. The best way to achieve this shake up is with a strong singles run for the former Brother Nero.

So, without any further ado, here is our list of 5 reasons why Jeff Hardy is getting a singles push

#5 Injury to The Revival

It would have been awesome to see this feud
It would have been awesome to see this feud

After The Hardy Boyz dropped the WWE Raw Tag Team Championship to Sheamus and Cesaro, they were pencilled in for a rivalry against The Revival. And, what a perfect rivalry that would have been. The speed and athleticism of Matt and Jeff against the power and teamwork of Dash and Dawson. The veterans against the new comers.

Unfortunately, the former NXT Tag Team Champions have been plagued with injury troubles since their arrival on the main roster in the aftermath of WWE Wrestlemania 33. Their second high profile injury means this feud has been forced onto the back burner for the foreseeable future.

With The Revival now out of the picture, there just isn't a great feud available for The Hardy Boyz on Monday Night Raw. So, a singles push for Jeff is the next best option.

#4 Jeff Hardy is in better shape than Matt Hardy

Jeff has more gas left in the tank than Matt
Jeff has more gas left in the tank than Matt

So, if the WWE is indeed going to give one of the Hardy brothers a singles push, why not Matt Hardy? After all, he did achieve tremendous singles success as Broken Matt so why would you not want to capitalise on that? Well, the answer lies in the physical aspect of professional wrestling.

Simply put, Jeff is in much better shape than his elder brother. It might seem like an absurd thing to say considering the number of high impact bumps that the younger Hardy brother has taken over the course of his career, but it's true. Just look at the two brothers side by side and it's clear as day.

Jeff also has the advantage of being younger than Matt and that means there's more gas in the tank for the future. As the WWE looks to build future stars, the potential Jeff offers is a better bet

#3 Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins are the new top babyface tag team on Monday Night Raw

There are new top dogs in town
There are new top dogs in town

When The Hardyz won the WWE Raw Tag Team Championship at WWE Wrestlemania 33, they instantly became the top babyface tag team on the red brand. There was no way any other team was going to come close to dethroning them from that slot in the aftermath of their unexpected return to the WWE.

But now, six months down the line, that's no longer the case. As we stated in our intro, the nostalgia factor surrounding Matt and Jeff has worn off. And, the WWE decided to do something unexpected in putting Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose back together.

With the mini Shield revival, the high flying brothers are no longer the top babyface team on Monday Nights and there's no point in wasting their popularity with a sub par feud.

#2 No Broken Hardyz

No signs of breakage yet
No signs of breakage yet

From the time that the Hardy Boyz made their return to the WWE at WWE Wrestlemania 33, fans have been awaiting the introduction of the Broken gimmick. Unfortunately, we are yet to see it in action beyond a few glimpses from Matt as he chants Delete every so often.

With the gimmick still stuck in a legal battle between the Hardy family and Global Force Wrestling (formerly Impact Wrestling), it looks like the WWE's creative team have run out of patience and are moving on in a different direction.

If the Broken Universe had made its way to the WWE, we might very well have seen the brothers continue as a tag team or possibly even a monster push for Matt. Instead, Jeff remains the beneficiary of the gimmick being stuck in legal limbo.

#1 His prior success as a singles star


Even if the Broken gimmick is absent from the WWE, the question still remains. Why Jeff Hardy and not Matt Hardy? After all, Matt has shown himself to be a superb singles competitor over the course of his final year on the indie circuit. Well, that question was answered in part earlier in this article.

But, the major reason beyond the physical aspect is that Jeff Hardy has shown prior success as a singles star during his time in the WWE. He has won the WWE Championship on multiple occasions and is always massively over with the WWE Universe.

Matt's singles success has all been on the indie scene and he has always fallen short of expectations when it comes to his time as a singles star in the WWE. And, we know that the WWE places more importance in the achievements of wrestlers in the company rather than outside.

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