Best and worst of Raw: August 07, 2017

Canada witnessed a pretty interesting episode of Raw, this week

Raw travelled all the way to Toronto, Ontario in Canada this week and the Air Canada Center witnessed a pretty entertaining episode, with far more positives than negatives. At no point was this show boring; but, as always, it was a little too long and had a few glaring shortcomings across its entire duration.

Thankfully, things chugged along at a good pace towards SummerSlam, and we cannot wait for the biggest show of the summer after a string of B pay-per-views, following Wrestlemania in Orlando this year. But before that, we bring you a glimpse of all the peaks and valleys of Raw, in this 'Best and Worst' list.

#1 Best: Telling a story over many weeks

The crowd is involved in this storyline!
The crowd is involved in this storyline!

Before this storyline kicked into motion, Ambrose was locked in a never-ending feud with The Miz, which wasn't really getting anyone over at all, and Rollins was booked in a feud with Bray Wyatt, that wasn't doing too much for him either. The tease of their reunion has got the WWE Universe buzzing and the crowd was even chanting for Ambrose.

We liked the fact that this angle played out across the duration of the show, with Ambrose refusing to come out and help Rollins out during his singles match against Sheamus, and Rollins, in turn, coming to help Ambrose but refusing to bump fists with the man. When the two of them do eventually team up, the pop will be absolutely thunderous and the two men will become the most 'over' tag team on the entire roster. We dig how this story has played out in recent weeks.

#1 Worst: Booing a legitimate injury

Sometimes, the crowd behaviour is simply not excusable

We understand that it is 2017 and the crowd likes to have fun, cheering for the heels and booing the babyfaces. However, sometimes their behaviour is inexcusable. Bayley was fighting back tears as she cut a heartfelt promo about her legitimate injury that would not allow her to wrestle at SummerSlam.

The crowd began booing her when she thanked them for their support and encouraging Tweets. We wonder if booking needs to be blamed for the downfall of Bayley, from the company's most beloved and adored babyface to someone whose legitimate injury does not attract kindness.

For a babyface who is set to take some time off due to a legit injury, the reaction was downright disrespectful.

#2 Best: Playing roles and stomping mud holes

LesnaEnter caption
Lesnar has an intensity unmatched on Raw

Raw kicked off with Brock Lesnar this week, and he proved just why he is a special attraction, even in the year 2017. Lightning quick, he made short work of the Miztourage with moves that looked genuinely vicious. Lesnar has amazing reflexes for a man his size, and he seems like he's at a different level from the rest of the roster (that works at a much more subdued pace), with his advocate laying the framework for the beat down. While it would have been good to see Lesnar part of a segment concerning his own feud, we were just as happy to see him steamroll his opponents to an absolute pulp.

#2 Worst: Enzo, Big Show and Big Cass

Yet another Shark Cage match? Really?
Yet another Shark Cage match? Really?

Yes, Enzo and Big Cass had a really entertaining breakup. Since then, however, their feud has not really gone places and is meandering with no conceivable payoff. Their matches and segments have certainly not gotten anyone over at all. Truth be told, a match with a Shark Cage stipulation is dated and it will not add any dimension to the Big Cass-Big Show match at SummerSlam. Each of the characters involved should just move on to fresh feuds and reboot their characters, once and for all.

#3 Best: A spectacular main event

Thankfully, a far better match than Big Show vs Big Cass last week
Thankfully, a far better match than Big Show vs Big Cass last week

When these two men get in the ring, they always give it their all. This main event had table spots, the threat of a spot at the commentary desk, flung chairs, steel ring steps and even a hidden Samoan in the audience. Braun Strowman and Roman Reigns proved yet again why they have better chemistry than any two other people on the entire roster, as they tore the house down. We have the utmost belief in the four men involved in the SummerSlam main event to steal the show and put on a classic for the ages.

#3 Worst: Booker T on commentary

This man is just awful on commentary
This man is just awful on commentary

The role of an announcer is that of a soundtrack in a movie, to provide the background score for the proceedings. To enhance the experience of the show and not distract from it. Booker T made several comments during the course of the show, that made absolutely no sense and just made us scratch our heads in puzzlement.

As Corey Graves pointed out during the proceedings, he even contradicted himself at several points, advocating that friendships are more important than checks and championships, and then saying that cheques and championships mattered more. You know that things aren't in a good place when you come to the realisation that even David Otunga would be an improvement over this man.

#4 Best: Women's matches with stakes

After weeks, the women's matches actually felt important

Usually, when a number 1 contender is determined weeks in advance, we see a bunch of meaningless tag matches or squash matches between members of the division. Because the division had to get things in motion again; following Bayley's injury, the women competed in two thrilling matches to determine Alexa's opponent at SummerSlam. These matches were of significance and they added to our viewing experience. Who faces the Goddess at SummerSlam? We find out soon.


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