3 Botches you probably missed on this week's RAW

It wasn't a great week for Kurt Angle
It wasn't a great week for Kurt Angle

The fallout from Money in the Bank was the main talking point of this week's Monday Night Raw, with Alexa Bliss being the main focus of the show, since she was the first woman to cash in her Money in the Bank contract the same night that she retrieved it and won the Raw Women's Championship for the third time.

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Of course, the Raw brand was able to win both Money in the Bank ladder matches this year and the seeds started to be planted ahead of next month's Extreme Rules pay-per-view, but with every live show, there are things that can go wrong.

#3 Kurt Angle's tongue-tied

Kurt Angle's promo didn't go to plan this week
Kurt Angle's promo didn't go to plan this week

Kurt Angle was part of the opening segment on Raw this week, and he was brought into the fight between Ronda Rousey and Alexa Bliss when he was assaulted with the Money in the Bank briefcase numerous times, whilst the former UFC star was trying to make a statement after Bliss cost her the Raw Women's Championship last night.

Angle was later forced to suspend Rousey for 30 days for assaulting him and a number of referees as part of the segment, but the Raw General Manager was still shaken up backstage since he told Ronda that she might not be able to become World Champion now before correcting himself to state that he meant the Raw Women's Champion.

Angle also no sold all of the shots that Ronda gave him with that contract whilst an active performer like Bliss was taken out with a fraction of the hits that Angle took. It wasn't a great start to this week's Raw when it comes down to technique, but it was very entertaining.

#2 Bobby Lashley forgets who he's talking to

Promos are not one of Lashley's strengths
Promos are not one of Lashley's strengths

Kurt Angle said he had an important announcement this week on Raw and was going to announce when Brock Lesnar was going to return to WWE, but before he could make the announcement he was interrupted by Roman Reigns.

Reigns talked about how he was was the one who should face Brock Lesnar, but Bobby Lashley then made his presence known before he took down the tone of the entire segment. Lashley tripped over his words a number of times before he told Reigns that he had been working for three years to beat Roman, before correcting himself.

#1 Dash Wilder takes out his own partner

The Revival picked the wrong fight this week on Raw
The Revival picked the wrong fight this week on Raw

The Revival were easily one of the best Tag Teams whilst they were down in NXT, but ever since they were promoted to the main roster Dash Wilder and Scott Dawson haven't been given the chances they have deserved.

This week on Raw, Wilder, and Dawson picked a fight with Bobby Lashley and Roman Reigns and were then put in a tag team match against the two powerhouses. Mid-way through the match, Wilder was Irish-whipped across the ring, but Dawson was on the apron and he was knocked off the side of the ring when his partner was thrown against the ropes.

The Revival were easily defeated by Reigns and Lashley after The Dominator delivered a thunderous spear to record the three count.

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