From the WWE Rumor Mill: Possible plans for the Raw Tag Team Championships at WrestleMania

Cesaro and Sheamus could have some interesting WrestleMania challengers
Cesaro and Sheamus could have some interesting WrestleMania challengers

What's the story?

Sheamus and Cesaro managed to defeat Titus Worldwide twice in the space of 24 hours last week, which means that The Bar now don't have any challengers heading into the biggest event of the year. This has opened up the net quite a bit when it comes to the team who could challenge the duo in five weeks time.

In case you didn't know...

Sheamus and Cesaro have proven over the past few years ever since Mick Foley decided to put the former rivals together as a team in the WWE. Not only have Cesaro and Sheamus managed to come out on top against some of their biggest rivals, but they have also managed to become four-time Champions throughout their time together.

There are a number of challengers who could step up to the duo including The Miztorurage, The Club, The Revival and even The Hardyz. It's a strange situation given that WrestleMania is only in a few weeks time but it seems that there is a much bigger plan in place for the Champions moving forward.

The heart of the matter

Dave Meltzer discussed Cesaro and Sheamus' current competition on the latest episode of The Wrestling Observer and claimed that right now there is no obvious opponent for the Tag Team Champions moving forward but did mention Matt and Jeff Hardy.

It has been well documented that Jeff is set to return from injury imminently and could decide to reunite with his brother Matt and then challenge The Bar at WrestleMania.

Whilst The Revival obviously seems the team that is most interested in the Champions given their response to Monday Night Raw, nothing is yet set in stone with many outlets reporting that there could be another multi-man match much like last year which saw the return of The Hardyz.

What's next?

Sheamus and Cesaro are expected to open up a feud with another team in the coming weeks so it should become more obvious who their WrestleMania match will be against in the near future.

Author's take

A multi-man ladder match at last year's WrestleMania was one of the highlights of the show because of the return of The Hardyz. This year it could be pretty much the same but it will be interesting to see what happens in the coming weeks to build-up to the match and how many of the current teams on Raw will be part of it.

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