NXT results, video highlights and analysis - November 28th 2018 

It was another hard-hitting episode of NXT
It was another hard-hitting episode of NXT

NXT was riding the waves that were created at War Games this week since there is no NXT pay-per-view now until 2019. Seeds were still planted for a number of feuds moving forward and there was some interesting wrestling showcased from San Jose State University ahead of this week's tapings that go through until the next Takeover event.

Danny Burch and Oney Lorcan vs The Mighty

It was a confidence-boosting win for Lorcan and Burch this week on NXT
It was a confidence-boosting win for Lorcan and Burch this week on NXT

The Mighty have gained themselves a number of enemies in recent months, but they knew that they were in a fight against Lorcan and Burch. The two men targetted Mick Miller's injured shoulder in the opening stages as Burch and Lorcan looked to secure the victory off a double submission attempt.

The Mighty were visibly shaken by the opening but managed to find their own advantage by using some less than legal methods. Miller and Thorne showcased some incredible tag team fluidity throughout the match as they kept Lorcan in the corner and away from his partner, but Lorcan was never going to stay down for long and was able to battle back to tag in Burch.

The British star cleaned house and delivered an incredible dropkick from the middle turnbuckle to Thorne before going for the finish, but Miller helped Thorne fight out and remain in the match.

The crowd was firmly behind Lorcan and Burch throughout and they obviously helped them through to the finish as both men got the double pin, but The Mighty were furious that they had lost back to back matches and went after both men following the match. Lorcan looked to fight out but The Aussies threw him into the ring post twice to send a message to a crowd that chanted "You still suck" to the team formerly known as TM61.

Winners: Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch

Kairi Sane was shown backstage with Io Shirai and Dakota Kai where the former Women's Champion stated that she wasn't finished with Shayna Baszler and Kai stated that she helped Sane at War Games because of her history with the current Women's Champion.

The three women then challenged the team of Baszler, Marina Shafir and Jessamyn Duke to a match.

EC3 vs Marcel Barthel

EC3 returned to action this week on NXT
EC3 returned to action this week on NXT

EC3 hasn't been seen on NXT since he was taken out by Undisputed Era a few weeks ago and there were then rumors that the former TNA star was set to be called up to the main roster, but an untimely injury cost him his shot.

This week on NXT EC3 took on German head turner Marcel Barthel in what was considered his comeback match following a knee injury. EC3 used his size advantage in the opening exchanges with a side headlock as he attempted to squeeze the life out of Barthel, but the German gained the upperhand in the corner with a flurry of kicks.

EC3 found a way back on top after Barthel was sent into the middle turnbuckle and it was then business as usual for the top one percent as he finished off his opponent with the One Percenter.

Winner: EC3

Following the match, EC3 addressed Undisputed Era's attack and called out Bobby Fish where he stated that he was coming for him.

Backstage Candice LeRae was seen entering the Performance Center where she refused to talk about her recent change of attitude.

Mia Yim vs Vanessa Bourne

Mia Yim is becoming a huge star in the NXT Women's Division
Mia Yim is becoming a huge star in the NXT Women's Division

Mia Yim is considered to be one of the fastest rising stars in the Women's Division in NXT at present after making her debut on the developmental brand last month. Yim looked to shake Vanessa Bourne's hand ahead of their match but she received a slap for her efforts and the Yim went straight in with the takedown.

Bourne showed off her aggression as she threw Mia Yim around the ring, but the Mae Young Classic star was able to turn the tables on her opponent when she flipped The Vision over and locked in the armbar. Bourne luckily found the bottom rope but Yim went for the Tarantula over the ropes.

A series of kicks grounded Bourne before Eat Defeat sealed another huge win for one of NXT's biggest prospects.

Winner: Mia Yim

Tommaso Ciampa was shown backstage where he talked about being the best there was and then told the NXT Universe that when he returned to Full Sail next week then he expected the crowd to follow his lead.

Lars Sullivan vs Keith Lee

Keith Lee stood in Lars Sullivan's way this week on NXT
Keith Lee stood in Lars Sullivan's way this week on NXT

Last week on NXT, Lars Sullivan was attacked by Keith Lee after he tried to follow through on his opponent when the match was over. This led to issues between the two men and General Manager William Regal then made the match between the two stars for this week's show.

Sullivan has already been picked to be promoted to the main roster, so this could well be his final match on the NXT brand and the only thing that stood in the way of victory was The Limitless Keith Lee.

Lee is undefeated in NXT but he was aware of the challenge in front of him as Sullivan started the match by shoving Lee and trying to impose his strength on him. Both men then stood face to face and it was Sulivan who took the advantage.

Lee rained down punched on Sullivan's face, but Lee was finally floored with a left hand. The Limitless One showed off his agility with a fantastic crossbody but it didn't even score him a near fall.

Sullivan grounded Lee with a chin lock but the former ROH star came out fighting and the two men then exchanged left hands in the center of the ring. Lee missed a stunning moonsault before Sullivan set up The Freak Accident to pick up the win over one of his toughest opponents.

Winner: Lars Sullivan