WWE 205 Live Results (July 2nd, 2019): Lucha House Party picks up momentum, brawl ensues after 6-man tag match

It seems the Power of Love is on thin ice
It seems the Power of Love is on thin ice

In the latest WWE NEWS, Tony Nese, Jack Gallagher, and Oney Lorcan were seen backstage preparing for their six-man tag team match tonight. The trio would take on Ariya Daivari, Mike Kanellis, and the Cruiserweight Champion Drew Gulak. Nese said that he's never seen Gulak as dangerous as he is now, and he knows both of his partners are incredibly dangerous. Gallagher and Lorcan assured him that they planned on personally taking care of those two.

The opening match for tonight was a tornado tag team match featuring the Singh Brothers and the Lucha House Party.

Lucha House Party (Gran Metalik & Lince Dorado) vs The Singh Brothers

The two teams kicked off the opening contest by brawling to the outside, where Dorado dove onto the Singhs from the barricade. Metalik brought Sunil inside the ring, where he slung him across the ring with a springboard arm drag. When Dorado joined him, they ran through Sunil with a double hip toss and a leg drop/body splash combination.

Metalik was taken out by Samir, who came to the aid of his brother. Dorado was pelted with a series of chops to the chest. He avoided an attack in the corner, rocking Sunil with a boot while Samir was taken down with a springboard moonsault. Metalik joined back up with Dorado, bringing down Samir with an assisted lifting facebuster.

Metalik dropped Samir with an enziguri near the ropes, but as he went up top, Sunil tripped him up, sending him crashing to the mat. Metalik kicked out and was saved by Dorado. The Golden Linx was rocked by a spinning heel kick from Sunil, however, sending him back to the outside. The Singh Brothers turned their sights back on Metalik, kicking him down into the corner.

Sunil went outside to continue the assault on Dorado, driving him headfirst into the ring post. Samir held Metalik in the middle of the ring with a rear chin lock as Sunil danced. Kalisto distracted Samir, hoping to give Dorado some time to get back inside. He was knocked off the ropes, however, ending Kalisto's plan.

The Singhs brought down a pair of elbows onto the chest of Metalik and connected with the Demolition Decapitation. Before Metalik could be pinned, Dorado broke it up.

Metalik sent Samir outside and spiked Sunil with a reverse slingblade. However, Samir quickly got back in the ring and tossed Metalik to the outside. He was then met by Dorado, who launched him into the corner with a running hurricanrana. A clothesline sent Sunil crashing to the mat while Dorado nearly beat Samir into submission at the bottom of the turnbuckle.

Samir avoided an attack in the corner but was taken out by a high angle diving crossbody instead. Sunil broke up the pinfall and was met by a Golden Rewind for his trouble. With both Singh Brothers left on the outside, the Lucha House Party dove over the top ropes, taking them out. Back inside, they set up for a pair of springboard attacks but were rocked by superkicks from the Singhs.

Samir rolled outside to grab the Singh's award. However, Kalisto wrestled it away from him, allowing LHP to take over. With both Singhs laid out, Dorado dropped onto Sunil with a shooting star press, while a tightrope walking diving elbow drop from Metalik put away Samir.

Result: Lucha House Party defeated the Singh Brothers via pinfall.

See WWE Smackdown Results, Highlights of event, & more on WWE Smackdown Results page
Tony Nese, Jack Gallagher, and Oney Lorcan
Tony Nese, Jack Gallagher, and Oney Lorcan

Mike Kanellis was interviewed backstage, where he was asked about what happened on Raw the night before. Maria revealed that she was pregnant during the match, then berated Mike for failing to "be a real man". He revealed that they had actually not talked since Maria called him a disappointment, but blamed the situation on new 24/7 Champion and 205 Live GM Drake Maverick.

Mike Kanellis said that Maverick would pay for what he's done to his family, but will look to prove to his wife that he is, in fact, a real man when he wins tonight's main event match.

Gentleman Jack Gallagher, Oney Lorcan, and Tony Nese vs Mike Kanellis, Ariya Daivari, and Drew Gulak

Champion and challenger began the bout, with Nese and Gulak circling the ring before tying up. However, right before Nese moved in, Gulak tagged in Kanellis.

At this point, we saw that Maria Kanellis was in fact backstage and watching the match. Nese tagged in Gallagher, and the two rivals locked up. Kanellis caught the Gentleman in a wristlock, transitioning to a headlock. Gallagher shot him off into the ropes but was met by a shoulder block.

Gallagher got back on top, sending Kanellis onto his back with an arm drag. Lorcan tagged in, and the two men traded chops in the ring. Kanellis seemingly won out on the trade, but as they moved into the ring, Oney Lorcan rocked him with an uppercut. He ran off the ropes, only to be met by a clothesline from Kanellis.

Daivari then tagged in, stomping on Lorcan and sending him into his team's corner. Lorcan stood back up and chopped Daivari, but was kicked down to the ground. The Cruiserweight Champion tagged back in, and the two brought Lorcan to the mat with a double suplex. Kanellis came in and connected with a running dropkick, getting a two-count on the pinning attempt.

Daivari tagged in, but Lorcan was able to escape the clutches of Daivari and Kanellis, tagging in Tony Nese. Nese knocked Gulak off the apron and leveled Daivari and Kanellis with a series of kicks. Gallagher dove onto Kanellis on the outside, while Nese nearly knocked out Daivari with an elbow on the apron. He attempted a springboard moonsault to the inside, but Gulak shoved him off to the outside where he crashed onto his tag team partners and Mike Kanellis.

Daivari tagged in Gulak, who went out to pick up the pieces of Nese. The former champion was rolled inside where the Submission Specialist worked over his arm. Nese tried to fight to his corner, but Gulak turned him inside out with a running clothesline.

Daivari tagged in and targeted the torso of the Premier Athlete. Nese tried to crawl to his corner but was cut off from his team. Nese nearly reached his corner, only to be launched into Daivari's, where Kanellis tagged in. Nese countered a suplex with a roll-up. When Kanellis broke out, he dropped Nese with a huge clothesline and hammered him with a series of fists, leading Maria to smile in the back.

Gulak, Daivari, and Kanellis entered the ring, dropping Nese with a superkick from Kanellis, and a super Iconoclasm from Gulak and Daivari. Gallagher and Lorcan broke up the pin. Gulak took over, going back to the former champion's arm. Nese avoided an Irish whip into the corner, dropping the champion with a pumphandle slam. Lorcan and Daivari tagged in, leading to the Star Destroyer taking out his rival, and Kanellis for good measure.

A series of running elbow strikes rocked Daivari, and a running blockbuster nearly gave Lorcan's team the win. Daivari kicked out, leading to Gallagher tagging in. Gallagher dropped him across the rope, and Gallagher and Lorcan stunned him with a series of clotheslines, uppercuts, and a leg drop from Lorcan.

Gallagher took Daivari up top but was pulled off by Kanellis. Gallagher sent him outside but was then tossed out by his former friend Gulak. Lorcan dumped him to the floor and dove onto all three men. Daivari came down on top of them as well. Not to be outdone, Tony Nese crashed on top of them with the Fosbury Flop. Gallagher grabbed his umbrella, William III, and went up, leaping onto all five men with a senton.

Back inside, a diving headbutt from Gallagher connected to Daivari. Gulak broke up the pin just in time. Gulak tagged in while Lorcan and Daivari fought up the ramp. The Gentleman tried to roll up Gulak but was cut off by the champion. Gulak was tagged by Kanellis before being met by a Glasgow Kiss from Gallagher.

Nese tagged in and went for a 450 splash, but didn't notice Gulak wasn't legal. Kanellis pulled him Gulak to safety and tried to pin Nese. The Premier Athlete kicked out and defeated Kanellis with the Sunset Driver.

Result: Gentleman Jack Gallagher, Oney Lorcan, and Tony Nese beat Mike Kanellis, Ariya Daivari, and Drew Gulak via pinfall.

All six men continued to brawl after the match. Gallagher launched Kanellis into the steps, and Nese sent Gulak headfirst into the ring post. Lorcan was seen choking Daivari on the announcer's desk as 205 Live came to an end.

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