WWE comes down heavily on the "Concussion Lawsuit"

Now its On-Vito vs WWE

A couple of days back former WWE superstars Vito Lograsso and Evan Singleton filed a ‘concussion lawsuit’ against the WWE. Now their claims seem to have put away harshly by the wrestling organization.The WWE lawyer Jerry McDevitt issued the following statement in response to the lawsuit

“This lawsuit is virtually identical to one filed by the same lawyers in Oregon, neither of which have any merit. WWE has never concealed any medical information related to concussions, or otherwise, from our Talent. WWE was well ahead of sports organizations in implementing concussion management procedures and policies as a precautionary measure as the science and research on this issue emerged. We will vigorously contest this lawsuit.”

To note, the former WWE stars have claimed some compensation( not disclosed) and medical surveillance under the lawsuit.Also, they were defended by the same lawyer who had earlier fought against the wrestling organization for Billy Jack Haynes. Clearly it can be seen that the WWE is no longer going take any allegations against them nor is willing to even consider any of the claims in the lawsuit. May be this intense riposte be a deterrent to any further lawsuits by players. Let’s see.