WWE News: Jim Ross issues warning to WWE Creative about Kofi Kingston

Is Jim Ross right about Kofi Kingston?
Is Jim Ross right about Kofi Kingston?

What's the story?

Kofi Kingston won The WWE title from Daniel Bryan at WrestleMania 35, and while he already must defend that title against Kevin Owens at Money in The Bank, him having a long run with the title seems like a sure thing. In fact, between his popularity with The WWE Universe and the inspirational tone of Kingston's victory, his reign could go on for a while.

With that being said, however, former WWE commentator, Jim Ross believes that WWE is booking the current champion incorrectly and believes they need to change course immediately. Of course, Ross doesn't mean that WWE should take the title off of him or anything like that, but to instead switch up the character a bit.

In case you didn't know...

The New Day has been one of the most popular factions in WWE over the course of the last couple of years and has now become the focal point of the Smackdown Live roster. While some of that has to do with the fact that Kingston is now the show's champion, it also has to do with how into the gimmick the fans are.

If nothing else, it took a long time for WWE to establish The New Day into what they currently are and it wasn't without countless missteps along the day. Beyond that, Kingston's road to the top of the mountain wasn't without its speed bumps either, and even took 11 years to get there, but now the legitimacy of his run is being called into question.

The heart of the matter

Jim Ross spoke out about Kofi Kingston's run as WWE Champion during the latest edition of "The Jim Ross Report" podcast and had an interesting warning for the company on how they are booking the star. Keep in mind that JR isn't advocating for WWE to take the belt off of Kingston, but has trouble with his intensity level inside the ring.

Somebody needs to tell Kofi that hopping to the ring carefree, happy, smiling…I don’t know if that fits the champion..especially when you’re a marked man. The days of the six-man tags with New Day…it’s a different ballgame now. You’re the man. Everybody’s going to give you their best shot, which they should right? So the happy, carefree demeanor may be fun for children, you can laugh at or with the antics, not so much I think for the older fans.

Ross' words seem a little harsh at first, especially if you are a diehard fan of Kingston and the new day, but one has to remember that the belt's legitimacy is also at stake in a situation like this. Although Kingston's rise to the top was inspirational, to say the least, WWE has really followed up with it and have instead relied on the seemingly rushed heel turn of Kevin Owens.

"Just saying that maybe somebody that’s producing Kofi might want to suggest and figure out how you’re received." Ross also said during his podcast show.

What's next?

Kofi Kingston is set to take on Kevin Owens at Money in The Bank and Owens' recent heel turn is only going to make that match all the more personal for The New Day. With that being said, however, another aspect of this has to be Big E's eventual comeback from injury and if WWE will try to use it to pull at fans' heartstrings as well.

In the end, WWE probably does need to separate The New Day gimmick from the title picture in a few ways, but it doesn't mean they have to fully do so. In fact, Kingston's story still oozes with opportunities and potential avenues, which is why the company should rely more on that instead of pancake power and the positivity stuff.