WWE NXT Results 20th December 2017, latest NXT winners, review and video highlights

As the year comes to a close, NXT gave us one of the episodes of the year. There were two title matches, one qualifying match for the Fatal-4-Way and absolutely no filler. Not to mention, we also got another match of the year candidate.

Killian Dain and Eric Young (C) vs Bobby Fish and Kyle O’Reilly (for the NXT Tag-Team Championships)

NXT kicked off with a massive tag-team match and Killian Dain and Bobby Fish got us under way. Fish backed off at the prospect of facing Dain and tagged in O’Reilly. Fish tagged himself back in and threw a number of punches that had no effect. He then tried to lock in a sleeper hold before O’Reilly came in. Dain threw O’Reilly out of the ring and took Fish down.

The Undisputed Era members regrouped and O’ Reilly tagged himself in at the same time as Eric Young. EY hit a series of kicks before hitting a number of strikes in the corner. As EY looked to build momentum, Fish took his legs out from under him while he was on the apron and we headed to commercial.

When we returned from the break, EY was cornered in Fish and O’Reilly’s corner as they traded tags. O’Reilly took Young down with a legsweep for a nearfall. The two men traded knee strikes when Young hit a swinging neckbreaker as both men went down. O’ Reilly made the tag first and Fish went right at Dain and struck him on the face. Dain tried to force his way into the ring but the referee stopped him.

Fish and O’Reilly traded tags and continued the beating. Young launched O’Reilly out of the ring and low-bridged Bobby Fish, sending him out too. Young fought O’Reilly off again and made the tag. Dain came in and cleaned house, hitting a senton-dropkick combo before hitting Fish with a Michinoku Driver onto O’ Reilly. Fish broke up the cover.

Young and Dain looked to have O’Reilly isolated when Fish low-bridged Dain out of the ring. Young looked to have a top rope elbow drop set up when Adam Cole came out took him down. O’Reilly took advantage with an Axe Kick-Forearm combo, but only managed a nearfall. Nikki Cross came running out of the crowd and wiped out Adam Cole as referees came out to restrain her.

Young took advantage of the break in the action to hit a leaping neckbreaker for another nearfall. Adam Cole saw the tide turning and tried to get into the ring but Dain pulled him out. Cole sent Dain face first into the ring post but got wiped out himself as Young hit a suicide dive.

This turned out to be a critical mistake as Fish and O’Reilly hit him with a legsweep-neckbreaker combo for the win. We have new NXT Tag-Team Champions, Bobby Fish and Kyle O’Reilly.

Bobby Fish and Kyle O’ Reilly def. Eric Young and Killian Dain


We got a backstage segment with Heavy Machinery and Tino Sabatelli and Riddick Moss. Moss and Sabatelli taunted Heavy Machinery after they caught the latter admiring their car. Otis challenged them to a fight before they drove away.

We learnt from a backstage segment that Sonya Deville will face Ember Moon next week.

Lars Sullivan vs. Roderick Strong (#1 Contender Fatal-4-Way Qualifier)

Sullivan came out to a new entrance. He was followed out by Roderick Strong who got a warm reception from the fans at Full Sail.

Strong charged at Sullivan as soon as the bell rang, hitting him with chops and strikes before hitting a high knee. He then went for a backbreaker but Sullivan broke out of it with a massive elbow strike. Sullivan wiped Strong inside-out with a clothesline before driving his forearm into Roddy’s spine. He followed it with a corner clothesline.

Sullivan followed it by lifting Strong and tossing him across the ring. Strong tried to fight back with a couple of kicks but Sullivan caught Strong in midair and locked in a bear hug. Strong finally broke free and hit a dropkick, followed by an enzeguiri, but the big man wouldn’t go down. He got caught up in the ropes and Strong proceeded to attack his legs. He followed it with a superplex but Sullivan kicked out at 1!

Roddy followed it with a couple of jumping knee strikes but they seemingly had no effect. One Olympic Slam later, Sullivan kicked out at 2. Sullivan caught Strong off guard and hit a pop-up powerslam effortlessly. Sullivan then hit the Freak Accident for the win.

Lars Sullivan def. Roderick Strong


Pete Dunne (C) vs Tyler Bate (for the WWE UK Championship)

The rubber match between Dunne and Bate headlined this week’s NXT. The match didn’t disappoint and started at a furious pace beginning with the two men trading locks and holds. Dunne transitioned into a double-legged submission across Bate’s throat which Bate escaped out of before doling out a cheeky wave.

Dunne methodically went to work on Bate’s fingers, even having time to fish hook Bate’s nose. Dunne hit Bate with a solitary kick and Bate lost his temper for the first time, forcing Dunne to back off. Dunne then charged at Bate who faked him with ‘Bop’ and hit him with ‘bang’. Dunne backed off to the ropes and replied with a nasty forearm followed by a louder knife-edged chop. Bate hit back, forcing Dunne out of the ring.

Dunne met Bate with a nasty right hand and placed his fingers on the steel steps. Bate countered and stamped on Dunne’s hand instead. Dunne hit back with a snap suplex from the steel steps and onto the floor.

Dunne hit Bate with a number of strikes after they were back in the ring. Dunne followed it with a headlock. Bate reached the ropes but Dunne hit a nasty kick across his arm. Dunne then took Bate’s hand and stomped on it again, this time dislocating his finger. Dunne didn’t relent and went back to work on the finger, stomping on it again.

Bate tried to fight back desperately but Dunne was on top now. He repeatedly kicked Bate across the face but the Dudley native had enough. He hit an Exploder Suplex as a “UK” chant broke out. Bate seemed to be bleeding from a ear as he reversed a vertical suplex to hit a standing Shooting Star Press. He followed it up with a belly-to-back suplex for a 2-count.

Dunne hit Bate with a right hand as he got back up but Bate bounced off the ropes to hit a rolling kick. Bate then went for the Tyler Driver 97 but Dunne reversed it into a Triangle Hold. Bate deadlifted him to the ropes, and sent him neck-first into the top rope.

Bate followed it up with his trademark Airplane Spin as the fans exploded. Three spins later, Bate covered Dunne for a 2-count. Dunne managed to prop himself up on the apron but Bate deadlifted him back into the ring to hit an Exploder Suplex for another nearfall.

Dunne looked like he had enough as he drove his boot repeatedly into Bate’s head. Bate replied with a high kick before returning the favour. Dunne dodged a clothesline to hit The Bitter End. It looked over but Bate kicked out again as Dunne looked on in disbelief.

Bate Irish Whipped Dunne into the corner but the Champion got out of the way and hit an enzeguiri. Bate replied by bouncing off the ropes and taking Dunne down. Dunne wanted the last word and took Bate down with a clothesline.

The two men got back to their feet at the same time and traded fists like Rock-Em-Sock-Em robots before Dunne took Bate down. Back on the apron, Bate hit Dunne with the ‘Bang’ and followed it with a rolling kick. Dunne crawled back into the ring and hit Bate with a forearm as he dived off the top rope. He followed it with an X-Plex into a sitout Powerbomb but Bate kicked out again.

Bate rolled out of the ring and Dunne followed him out. Dunne tried to roll Bate into the ring but he bounced off the rope and hit Dunne with another right hand. Bate followed it with a dive over the top ropes. He rolled Dunne back into the ring and hit the Tyler Driver 97 and this time Dunne kicked out.

Dunne then landed on his feet after reversing a top rope German Suplex and hit Bate with the Bitter End to finally win the match. Another instant classic from these two.

Pete Dunne def. Tyler Bate


An unexpected name just challenged Randy Orton RIGHT HERE.

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