WWE NXT Results 27th September 2017, latest NXT winners, review and video highlights

Cole, Fish and O' Reilly took their feud with SAniTy to the next level
Cole, Fish and O' Reilly took their feud with SAniTy to the next level

I'd been waiting for this week's episode of NXT since last week's ended and it didn't disappoint. The show featured Adam Cole's in-ring NXT debut as well as Fabian Aichner's NXT debut.

NXT kicked off with William Regal who officially announced a Fatal-4-Way match for the NXT Women’s Championship, also confirming that Kairi Sane would be one of the 4.

SAniTy storm the ring

SAniTy opened the show and called out Adam Cole and the Undisputed

SAniTy opened the show and called out Adam Cole and the Undisputed

NXT kicks off with the NXT Tag-Team Champions SAniTy storming the ring in force. They’ve been on edge a little since Cole, Fish and O’ Reilly attacked them.

Eric Young took the mic and addressed the trio who he said were looking to make a mark. EY said that SAniTy laid the groundwork for making a mark and the only thing that mattered was chaos. He then addressed his opponent for later in the night, Adam Cole, promising to take Cole to the edge of sanity.

Lars Sullivan vs Oney Lorcan

Oney Lorcan put on an impressive showing
Oney Lorcan put on an impressive showing

Cristy St. Cloud took a pre-match interview with Oney Lorcan. Oney said that he didn’t like the way Sullivan was treating guys like No Way Jose and wanted to see what Sullivan could do to someone like him.

As the match began, the enormous size difference between the two men was obvious. Sullivan displayed his strength as he took Lorcan down with an elbow but the smaller man wouldn’t be kept down. He hit Sullivan with a dropkick but that just incensed the big man who tossed Lorcan out of the ring.

Sullivan followed his prey outside but Oney scurried back into the ring, avoiding Lars’ enormous grip. With Sullivan on the apron, Lorcan hit him with repeated running elbows, knocking him off the apron. Oney then went for a tope suicida but Sullivan caught him in midair and sent him packing face-first into the apron.

Back inside the ring, Oney caught the incoming Sullivan with a boot before repeatedly slapping Sullivan across the face and following it with palm strike. All it did was piss the big man off and he nearly beheaded Oney Lorcan with a massive lariat. Sullivan followed it up with a massive elevated high-angle spinebuster. That was it for Oney.

Lars Sullivan def. Oney Lorcan

After the match, Sullivan looked like he was about to continue the beatdown when Lorcan’s former rival Danny Burch came out to pull Lorcan out of the ring and rescue him.

Heavy Machinery vs Demetrius Bronson and Patrick Scott

Heavy Machinery continued the ascent up the NXT tag-team divison

Heavy Machinery continued the ascent up the NXT tag-team divison

Tucker Knight started off against Patrick Scott, hitting him with a hip toss before locking in a wrist lock and lifting Scott up in the air. Scott looked to hit back with a slap to the chest but it had no effect. As a result, Scott got hit with a belly-to-belly suplex and landed near his corner and tagged in Bronson.

Tucker locked in a front facelock on the former NFL star before tagging in Otis. The duo hit stereo diving headbutts before Bronson tried to lock in a sleeper. Bronson followed it up with two dropkicks before Otis caught him in midair off the third, hitting an overhead release belly-to-belly suplex.

Otis than took out Scott before hitting an elbow drop. He then tagged in Tucker as the duo planted Scott into Bronson with the Double Compacter and pinned both men.

Heavy Machinery def. Demetrius Johnson and Patrick Scott (via pinfall)

We got footage with William Regal who was addressing journlists outside the WWE Performance Center. He announced that Johnny Gargano would get his rematch against Andrade ‘Cien’ Almas at NXT TakeOver: Houston.

We caught up backstage with Cristy St. Cloud who was with Roderick Strong. Strong, who’s set to face McIntyre next week for the NXT Championship, warned Drew that he was coming for the title and that all business was personal.

Liv Morgan vs Vanessa Borne

I’m not the biggest fan of Vanessa Borne but it’s still early days for Vanessa and NXT is developmental after all. She faced the bubbly Liv Morgan tonight.

The ladies started off with a collar and elbow tie-up before Borne tried to pin Morgan with a backslide. Borne then went for a clothesline, which Morgan dodged, before taking Borne’s feet out from under her. Morgan followed it up with a legdrop but Borne sent her crashing into the turnbuckle to wrest control back.

Borne stood on Morgan’s hands before attacking her in the corner. Liv rolled Borne up before exploding with a running facebuster and then hitting step-up enzeguiri. Liv followed it up with a double-stomp to Borne’s back before finishing her up with her version of a modified Codebreaker.

Liv Morgan def. Vanessa Borne (via pinfall)

Kassius Ohno vs Fabian Aichner

Fabian Aichner, the former CWC competitor, made his NXT debut

Fabian Aichner, the former CWC competitor, made his NXT debut

Kassius Ohno faced former CWC competitor Fabian Aichner next. Aichner made his NXT debut tonight. Despite being a big guy, Aichner can fly across the ring and showed some of that today.

Ohno started off with a cravat hold but Aichner broke free from an attempted snapmare and locked in a standing armdrag. Aichner followed it up with an European Uppercut but Ohno’s reply, a big boot, send Aichner crashing out of the ring.

Aichner then picked up the incoming Kassius Ohno with a Titl-A-Whirl backbreaker. As Ohno rolled out of the ring, Aichner launched himself and hit a running springboard splash to ringside. The fans exploded as Aichner got back into the ring and hit Ohno with a running back elbow before following it up with a stalled vertical suplex.

Aichner was in control as he attempted a powerbomb, only for Ohno to roll him up in a schoolboy for a nearfall. Ohno went for a Lou Thesz Press but Aichner caught Ohno in midair and hit a Powerslam.

Aichner looked to finish up Ohno after this with the double springboard moonsault but he ended up eating the mat. Ohno took advantage and landed a Shotgun Kick before planting Aichner with a Cravat Suplex.

Ohno now had Aichner where he wanted the Italian and finished him off with a Cyclone Kick.

A really good performance from both men, especially Fabian Aichner. He moves around like a cruiserweight.

Kassius Ohno def. Fabian Aichner (via pinfall)

We caught up with Drew McIntyre after the match. Drew said that Roddy had earned his title shot after beating Bobby Roode. He added that Roddy was good enough to be champion but unfortunately for him, he lived in Drew McIntyre’s time.

Adam Cole (w/ Fish and O’Reilly) vs Eric Young (w/ SAniTy)

Adam Cole made his in-ring NXT debut

Adam Cole made his in-ring NXT debut

I was hyped for this match all week and it didn’t disappoint. Cole came out first accompanied by Bobby Fish and KOR. He took the mic and addressed the fans before his opponent came out.

Cole started off by asking how NXT had survived without him, Fish and KOR. He told fans to close their eyes and feel the change that was breezing through NXT. Cole then declared that the three of them were untouchable, unstoppable and undisputed before adding that this was their era.

EY came out next with the rest of SAniTy, ready to welcome Cole to NXT.

As the bell rang, Cole called out to young to fight him. Young responded and took Cole down, pushing him to the corner. Cole hit EY with a cheapshot and followed it up with a swinging neckbreaker.

Cole used a distraction from O’ Reilly to attack Young from behind before driving him into the corner. Cole locked in a headlock and followed it up with a leaping roundhouse kick that sent Young crashing to the floor. The rest of SAniTy faced off with Fish and KOR outside before Cole dragged Young back inside the ring.

Cole started to work on Young’s back with knees to the spine. Young powered out of a headlock and hit Cole with a back suplex to but himself a few seconds to recover. He caught Cole with a boot and connected with a discus clothesline and a neckbreaker.

Young headed to the top rope and pushed Cole off when the latter tried to join him. A huge brawl broke out at ringside and Young responded by wiping O’ Reilly and Fish with a crossbody from the top rope.

When Eric Young go back into the ring, Cole caught him with a running knee strike for the win. He then exited stage left before the rest of SAniTy could get their hands on him.

Adam Cole def. Eric Young (via pinfall)

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