WWE NXT Results (July 10th, 2019): Street Profits face their first challengers, Kushida's next opponent revealed

The NXT Tag Titles are on the line
The NXT Tag Titles are on the line

The Street Profits have been having a lot of fun on Monday nights, but had to get serious tonight, as their NXT Tag Team Titles were on the line. After being saved from a beatdown thanks to Danny Burch and Oney Lorcan, the two heavy brawlers were given a shot at the gold this week.

The NXT Breakout Tournament also continued tonight with another first round match. Jordan Myles and Big Boa looked to advance, with the winner taking on Angel Garza. All that and more on tonight's episode of NXT.

Io Shirai opened NXT with new music and a more sinister entrance. The crowd didn't give her a chance to explain her actions two weeks prior, where she viciously attacked Candice LeRae after the Genius of the Sky failed to capture the NXT Women's Championship in a steel cage match. The second Shirai walked out, she was met by a chorus of boos.

Shirai said that she doesn't need any friends, and doesn't need the support of the NXT Universe. With that, she rolled out of the ring and walked away.

Velveteen Dream hosted a press conference with several reporters. The NXT North American Champion was asked who he would be facing for the title next, but he said that question wasn't approved and moved on.

When asked about Roderick Strong, he said the Messiah of the Backbreaker was nowhere near worthy enough for a title shot.

Damien Priest vs Blanco Loco

Priest runs through another opponent with ease
Priest runs through another opponent with ease

A leaping high kick from Priest wiped out Loco before he had a chance to get started. Priest continued, driving his elbow into Loco's chest in the corner and planting him on the mat with a Falcon Arrow.

Loco slapped Priest across the face, which enraged him, sending him into the ropes twice for two lethal lariats. A cyclone kick followed up by the Reckoning put Loco away.

Results: Damien Priest defeated Blanco Loco via pinfall.

Boa couldn't wipe the smile from Jordan Myles
Boa couldn't wipe the smile from Jordan Myles

A vignette played of Killian Dain, the Beast of Belfast, who is set to make his return to NXT in the near future. He looked back on his youth, recounting the terrible tragedies he witnessed in Ireland. However, Dain said that he plans on using those memories, and plans on wreaking havoc in NXT.

The next matchup in the NXT Breakout Tournament was next. Jordan Myles, formerly ACH, faced Boa

Boa vs Jordan Myles

Myles attempted to shake Boa's hand, but the martial artist refused. The two locked up, and Boa attempted to catch him with a quick roundhouse as they broke away. Myles ducked but was taken down by a side headlock takeover.

Boa aimed to keep Myles on his back, preventing him from getting in any high flying offense. However, his other strength, his incredible power, blocked a third side headlock attempt. Boa transitioned into a hammerlock, only for Myles to use the ropes to escape, evading a massive big boot with a handspring, and catching the big man with a picture perfect dropkick.

Myles brought Boa to the mat with a takedown, and attempted to work over his arm. Boa made it back to his feet, but was rolled up by Myles after attempting another heavy kick. After breaking out, Big Boa finally connected with a huge roundhouse kick to the chest, knocking Myles to the ground.

A series of Muay Thai knees drove Myles into the corner, where he was hung up for a vicious axe kick. Myles kicked out at two. More knees to the abdomen left Myles doubled over in the corner. A high kick was blocked by Myles, but he was sent into the corner by a running boot.

Myles attempted to avoid a running attack in the corner, Boa was able to adjust, floating him across the ring with a butterfly suplex. Boa looked for the armbar, but Myles turned it into a pin attempt. Boa broke out and punished Myles with a series of strong kicks. However, this seemingly woke Myles up, as he caught one of Boa's legs and lit him up with strong chops and fast kicks to the chest.

A pair of running forearms took Boa to the ground and as he made it back to his knees, a dropkick to the face rolled him over. Up in the corner, Boa was met by the Destructo Disk clothesline. The Midnight Star 450 Splash would send Jordan Myles to the next round of the NXT Breakout Tournament.

Results: Jordan Myles defeated Boa via pinfall.

Shayna Baszler was met backstage, asked by several reporters about Mia Yim possibly getting a title shot soon. Yim called Baszler out recently, and the HBIC looks to end the incredible reign of the NXT Women's Champion. Baszler said that, no matter who she faces, the results will always be the same. Tap, nap, or snap.

NXT Tag Team Championship in the main event
NXT Tag Team Championship in the main event

A Keith Lee vignette played prior to the NXT Tag Team Title match. Lee said that his first year in NXT didn't exactly pan out as he'd hoped. He wanted the NXT Universe to Bask in his Glory but believes he didn't succeed in his goal. In year two, Limitless won't be enough. Now, Keith Lee looks to become Infinite.

Next week, Kushida will get an incredible opportunity, as he battles 205 Live's Apollo Crews. Will Crews finally break Kushida's undefeated streak, or will the Time Splitter continue to dominate?

Adam Cole will also return to NXT next week. The NXT Champion will make his first title defense since winning the belt back at NXT TakeOver: XXV.

NXT Tag Team Championship Match: Street Profits (c) vs Danny Burch & Oney Lorcan

The two teams shook hands in the middle of the ring, with Lorcan & Burch earning the Profits' respect over time. Lorcan and Montez Ford kicked off the main event, escaping a wrist lock by dropping to the mat for a rolling kip up. Dawkins tagged in, dropping Lorcan with a take down and rolling him over to the Profits' corner.

Lorcan forced himself over to his corner, where he tagged in Danny Burch. Ford was quickly tagged in, though, and we saw Burch taken down by a double flapjack. Lorcan met the same fate, crashing onto his partner. In the ropes, they were hit with the World's Greatest Tag Team Guillotine.

Lorcan and Burch rolled outside to recover. Back inside the ring, Dawkins tried to shake his hand again. Burch went low, kicking him in the gut and connecting with a dropkick from the second rope. Lorcan tagged in and the brawlers dropped Dawkins with a double Russian leg sweep. Burch came back in, and a double suplex nearly sent Dawkins into his own corner.

Burch cut him off, bringing him back into neutral territory. The Guvnor locked in a crossface on Dawkins, and though the champion managed to roll away, ,Burch held onto the submission. Ford kicked Burch in the back to break it up.

Burch took his frustration out on Dawkins, but when he went up for another dropkick, Dawkins rolled away. Lorcan and Ford were tagged in, and Ford managed to take out both Lorcan and Burch by himself.

A belly-to-back suplex and a standing moonsault nearly gave Ford the win, but Lorcan kicked out. Dawkins was tagged back in, and two corkscrew splashes set Lorcan up for a Sliced Bread No. 2, with Ford using Dawkins to get the height needed.

Ford tagged back in, and signalled for the end. Dawkins made his way up top, but Lorcan sent him crashing to the floor outside. A huge running dropkick jettisoned Ford into the corner, and a Half-and-Half from Lorcan dropped him face first on the mat. Buch followed up with a knee to the jaw, but Ford kicked out.

Ford was sent into his corner with a German suplex, allowing Dawkins to come in and send Burch to the ground with a clothesline. A running uppercut from Lorcan knocked him into the ropes, and Ford responded, drop kicking Lorcan. Burch took out Ford but was met by a high impact spear from Dawkins.

Dawkins and Burch rolled out, and Ford and Lorcan were left inside to brawl. Lorcan attempted another running uppercut, only to be stunned by a superkick. Ford dove over Lorcan to take out Burch, while Dawkins stunned Lorcan mid-suicide dive with a big forearm to the jaw.

On the inside, Angelo Dawkins planted Danny Burch thanks to a massive spinebuster, allowing Montez Ford to finish up with a sky high frog splash. Dawkins pinned Burch to retain.

Results: The Street Profits defeated Danny Burch & Oney Lorcan via pinfall.

Following the match, Bobby Fish & Kyle O'Reilly walked out, seemingly throwing down the gauntlet. It looked as if the Street Profits accepted as NXT went off the air.

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