WWE NXT Results (June 12th, 2019): An epic submission match, Undisputed Era look to continue dominating NXT

Kushida and Drew Gulak continue their war to prove who is the real Submission Specialist
Kushida and Drew Gulak continue their war to prove who is the real Submission Specialist

Over the past few weeks, an ego filled mat-based rivalry has bloomed between the Philadelphia Stretcher and the Time Splitter. Since debuting on NXT, Kushida has caught the eye of Drew Gulak. Tonight, after weeks of build, we'd finally see them face off in a submission match.

The main event featured an absolutely stunning tag team match between two of the best brawling teams on the brand. Roderick Strong, teaming with Kyle O'Reilly after Bobby Fish suffered an injury, continued their year-long rivalry with Danny Burch and Oney Lorcan, and nearly managed to outdo their match last year at NXT TakeOver: Chicago II.

Tonight's opener, however, featured Io Shirai, Shayna Baszler's #1 Contender, teaming with Candice LeRae to take on the Horsewomen, Jessamyn Duke, and Marina Shafir.

Candice LeRae & Io Shirai vs Jessamyn Duke & Marina Shafir w/Shayna Baszler

LeRae kicked off the match by nearly picking up a quick pin via rollup to Jessamyn Duke. Shafir tagged in and was taken down by LeRae, also rolled up with a jackknife. She kicked out and was met by her partner outside, where LeRae dove onto them.

Shafir took advantage of a distraction as she got back in, knocking LeRae off the top rope. Duke got back in the action, taking out LeRae with some stiff kicks, including an ax kick to the back of the head. Shafir locked LeRae in a modified torture rack but was tossed into the corner when LeRae escaped with a tilt-a-whirl headscissors.

A strong kick to the gut from Shafir took Shirai off the apron, and the Horsewomen brought LeRae back to their corner. Duke continued the punishment, pelting her with more agonizing kicks. LeRae shoved her off, pushing her into Shafir. After an enziguri, LeRae finally tagged in Io Shirai.

Shirai ran through Duke with two running clotheslines and a double ax handle, followed by a tiger feint kick. A springboard dropkick sent Duke across the ring. As Baszler looked on, Shirai took a page out of the champion's book, snapping Duke's arm with a vicious stomp to the elbow.

Baszler saved Duke from a moonsault by pulling her to the outside. Shirai changed her focus to the Queen of Spades, diving onto her with an moonsault. LeRae dove onto Duke and Shafir, while Shirai handled Baszler.

Results: No Contest.

LeRae was pulled off of Duke and Shafir while Baszler and Shirai brawled to the back.

Velveteen Dream cut a promo highlighting his impressive reign as NXT North American Champion.

Would Kushida maintain his impressive undefeated streak?
Would Kushida maintain his impressive undefeated streak?

We've seen several vignettes for NXT's newest superstar, Damien Priest. Next week, Priest makes his official debut.

Two weeks ago, Drew Gulak fell to Kushida via pinfall. Gulak, expecting to face off in a technical bout, looking to see who was the true Submission Specialist, was furious that he lost in this way, and called Kushida a coward. The next week, Gulak challenged the Time Splitter to a submission match.

Kushida vs Drew Gulak

Kushida attempted to go for a double-leg takedown, but Gulak avoided it. Eventually, he made it back to his feet and attempted to bring Gulak down by jumping into a guillotine. Gulak easily avoided the maneuver, and the two continued to jockey for position on the mat.

Kushida avoided two double-leg takedowns from Gulak and tried to bring Gulak in for the cross armbreaker. Gulak blocked it, but could not avoid the hammerlock, allowing Kushida to damage the right shoulder.

The Philadelphia Stretcher was the first to deliver a strike in the match, going for Kushida's sternum. Kushida forced him to chase to the outside, and when he returned to the ring, knocked Gulak off the apron with a handspring kick to the face.

Gulak came back in a more aggressive manner, dropping Kushida with two reverse body slams, bringing him down face first. Kushida was forced into a Gory Special, which Gulak nearly turned into a Boston crab. Kushida escaped.

Continuing to apply pressure, Gulak brought Kushida back to the mat with a side headlock, all the while digging his elbow into his opponent's face. Kushida broke out of a wrist lock and struck Gulak with several strikes, following two hip tosses and a dropkick to the face.

Gulak pulled himself up in the corner, setting up for an enziguri from Kushida. A slingshot Tornado DDT spiked Gulak, who was then locked in an armbar. Though Kushida got the full extension, Gulak made it to the ropes. Kushida and Gulak battled again, rolling until Kushida caught Gulak in the ankle lock. Gulak picked his leg and locked in an ankle lock of his own, taking it to the ground for some extra pressure.

Kushida struggled, but made it ot the ropes. On the apron, Kushida tossed Gulak over the ropes with a hurricanrana, where they both landed awkwardly. They fought to their feet as they traded elbow strikes. Kushida ran off the ropes where he was met by a dropkick from Gulak.

Kushida took out Gulak with a handspring back elbow, and continued the pressure with a kick to the arm. A tilt-a-whirl into the Hoverboard Lock clinched the victory for the now 4-0 superstar.

Results: Kushida defeated Drew Gulak via pinfall.

Vanessa Bourne and Aliyah cut a promo earlier in the day on Mia Yim, who believes she's the next #1 contender to Shayna Baszler's NXT Women's Championship. The duo said that Yim didn't look or act like a champion, and didn't deserve the opportunity.

We saw a nonstop brawl in tonight's main event
We saw a nonstop brawl in tonight's main event

In two weeks, Io Shirai will face Shayna Baszler for her NXT Women's Championship. This time around, they'll fight inside a steel cage, hopefully keeping all other threats outside of the match.

Footage was shown of the 50-Man Battle Royal from WWE Super Showdown, where Mansoor overcame the odds and won the match in his home country. Mansoor said that his performance was in honor of his fans, friends, and his people that have supported him through his WWE journey over the past year.

Next week, we'll see the return and official celebration of Adam Cole, who will be making his first appearance since winning the NXT Championship at NXT TakeOver: XXV.

Undisputed Era (Roderick Strong & Kyle O'Reilly) vs Oney Lorcan & Danny Burch

O'Reilly and Lorcan kicked off the match, with O'Reilly attempting a leglock early on. Lorcan broke out but was caught by an array of strikes from the former NXT Tag Team Champion. They moved to the corner, where O'Reilly and Lorcan traded chops. Lorcan was met with a big boot but returned with a massive running uppercut.

The striking contest continued, with both men standing in the middle of the ring and trading elbow strikes. Strong and Burch leaped in to add to the brawl. The Undisputed Era were tossed outside, where they were met with a diving Lorcan. Buch tagged in and rocked O'Reilly with a strong right hand, setting him up for the Half-and-Half suplex. Burch struck him with a massive knee strike.

Strong broke up the pinfall and was sent into the corner while Burch tagged Lorcan. Strong tossed Burch into Lorcan, allowing the UE to take over the match. In their corner, Lorcan was lit up with high kicks, elbow strikes, and chops. He was tossed into the middle of the ring where O'Reilly dissected him with pinpoint targeted strikes, including a running knee strike.

Strong tagged in and focused on wearing down the Star Destroyer with a headlock, driving his knee into Lorcan's kidneys at the same time. Lorcan fought to his knees, but Strong broke the hold to knock Burch off the apron. He tagged in O'Reilly, and a gutbuster/knee drop to the head took out their longtime rival.

O'Reilly locked in an abdominal stretch to a seated Lorcan, then transitioned into a pinfall. Lorcan broke out and rocked him with another brutal uppercut. More elbow strikes rocked O'Reilly, and Lorcan took out Strong before delivering a running Blockbuster to O'Reilly.

Burch finally tagged in, taking out a tagged in Strong with several clotheslines, a dropkick and an exploder suplex. Burch tried to roll up Strong, but the former champion held on to the ropes. O'Reilly tagged in, expecting to get one over on Lorcan & Burch. Burch managed to adjust, and planted O'Reilly with a powerbomb, followed by a crossface.

Strong pulled O'Reilly to the ropes, breaking the hold. O'Reilly struck Burch with a right hand, which only fired up Burch. A pendelum lariat from O'Reilly finally rocked Burch. Strong tagged in and chopped Burch as he was held upward for a brainbuster. Lorcan forced Strong into the pinfall to make the save.

All four men stood in the ring and traded strikes, but UE rocked lorcan with a strong kick to the back of the leg and a knee strike. Burch was met with a knee and an ax kick, finishing with a rolling elbow/jumping knee strike.

The UE were distracted, allowing Burch to shove O'Reilly into Strong, picking up the win.

Results: Danny Burch & Oney Lorcan defeated the Undisputed Era via pinfall.

Ex WWE writer blasts Liv Morgan HERE

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