WWE NXT Results March 4th, 2020: Winners, Grades, Video Highlights for latest NXT

What an unexpected end to the night
What an unexpected end to the night

NXT kicked off with one of two cage matches that were on the card for tonight. Beth Phoenix was missing from the commentary table, following Randy's attack on her at RAW. Dakota Kai was set to face Tegan Nox inside the cage and Raquel Gonzalez was at ringside with Kai as the match kicked off.

Dakota Kai vs. Tegan Nox - Steel Cage match

What a way to kick off the show!
What a way to kick off the show!

Dakota Kai avoided the Shiniest Wizard early on and was grinding Nox's face into the steel cage with her boot. Nox moved towards the door but a scorpion kick from Kai followed by a rolling lung-blower almost cost her the match.

Gonzalez kept the door closed as Nox tried to get out but Nox kicked Kai into the door, knocking it open and sending Gonzalez down. Nox hit the Shiniest Wizard on Kai but Gonzalez stopped her from leaving through the cage door. Nox climbed up the wall and to the outside of the cage but Gonzalez trapped her with the cage door as Kai crawled out through the open door.

Result: Dakota Kai def. Tegan Nox

Match rating: A

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Finn Balor showed up in a pre-recorded promo just to threaten Walter.

Shotzi Blackheart vs. Chelsea Green - Qualifier for the #1 Contender's ladder match

Chelsea Green came out with Robert Stone who was ringside for the match. A step-up Enzugiri rocked Green as the match kicked off but she avoided a double knee in the ropes and hit a hanging backstabber. A missile dropkick from the top sent Blackheart to the apron.

An Imprettier put Shotzi away, ending the match quick as Chelsea Green secured her spot in the #1 Contender's ladder match for the NXT Women's Championship at Takeover: Tampa.

Result: Chelsea Green def. Shotzi Blackheart

Match rating: C

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Keith Lee was out next and got a great reaction from the crowd at Full Sail University. Cameron Grimes interrupted his promo and the crowd chanted "No one likes you" resulting in a barely audible exchange amidst the booing. Lee pushed Grimes out of the ring before accepting his challenge for next week.

Backstage, The Undisputed Era was hyping Roderick Strong for his upcoming Steel Cage match.

Bobby Fish & Kyle O'Reilly vs. Oney Lorcan & Danny Burch

A great win for the Era
A great win for the Era

Lorcan started the match off with Fish and Burch saved Lorcan from a double suplex and rocked Fish with a headbutt. Burch sent the Era to the floor and Lorcan followed up with a double diving blockbuster as we cut to commercial.

O'Reilly tagged in and stopped Burch's tag with a back suplex. Fish came back in but was nearly knocked out cold with a right hook. The Era came out with a win in the end, after hitting the High Low.

Result: Bobby Fish & Kyle O'Reilly def. Oney Lorcan & Danny Burch

Match rating: B

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After the match, Fish & O'Reilly called out the "makeshift tag team". Fish said that Cole continues to take care of business and Strong will shut Velveteen Dream's cocky mouth up tonight, so they're focused on a rematch against the "Loserweights".

Riddle and Dunne came out and were ready for a fight but the Grizzled Young Veterans rushed them and laid them out. Zack Gibson picked up a mic and called the Undisputed Era 'dweebs' before stating that 'it's out with the old, and in with the Grizzled Young Veterans'.

Austin Theory vs. Isaiah "Swerve" Scott

Theory picked up a great win
Theory picked up a great win

Theory hit a rolling thunder dropkick on Scott and a discus clothesline to Theory nearly took his head off. Scott blocked a big move and hammered Theory with a right hand while Theory responded with one of his own.

A rolling thunder dropkick was countered in mid-air with a cross armbreaker. After raking the eyes of Scott, Theory planted him with the Austin Theory Launch with one arm.

Result: Austin Theory def. Isaiah "Swerve" Scott

Match rating: B

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Johnny Gargano was being interviewed by Mauro Ranallo and he said that no one had any idea what Johnny had felt and seen while stating that he didn't plan a sneak attack on Ciampa. Gargano got in Mauro's face and called him a liar before Ranallo walked away from the interview. A very uncharacteristic and rather convincing promo from Johnny Wrestling.

Velveteen Dream vs. Roderick Strong - Steel Cage match

A brutal match ended on an unexpected note
A brutal match ended on an unexpected note

Strong rushed Dream as soon as he entered the ring and tore into him with a series of chops. As the match got progressively more brutal, Strong's wife Marina Shafir ran in and handed Strong a kendo stick through the cage wall but Dream snatched it and hit him with it instead.

Dream trapped Strong in the Strong Hold and Strong manages to counter his own move and attempted to put Dream in it himself. Dream nearly tapped out but managed to roll up Strong for a two-count. Strong picked up the stick and used it for a modified pump handle.

Both men climbed the cage and fell back down before Strong opened the gate but Dream dragged him back. As Dream moved to the top for a Purple Rainmaker, the Undisputed Era rushed the ring. Dream leaped off the cage back inside the ring for the kendo stick, knocking Fish & O'Reilly off the cage.

Cole ended up inside the cage before Dream sent Strong outside the cage before locking the door again and attacking Cole.

Result: Roderick Strong def. Velveteen Dream

Strong tried to get back in to save Cole but was pelted with the kendo stick. Dream slingshotted Cole into Strong then drove Cole into a chair with the Dream Valley Driver.

Dream told Strong to watch closely as he bounced the NXT Championship off the skull of Adam Cole.

Match rating: A

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Episode rating: A

A great promo from Johnny Wrestling and two huge steel cage matches stole the show tonight.

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