WWE RAW: The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly 

The Brothers of Destruction live up to their tag team name on RAW

Tonight's episode of RAW had a little something for everyone. The first hour of the show was dedicated to the new guard of wrestling as Baron Corbin antagonized a clash between the three members of The Shield, Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins and their Super Show-Down opponents, Drew McIntyre, Dolph Ziggler, and Braun Strowman. By the time the show's second hour rolled around, two huge matches had ensued, as well as some intriguing inner friction between both teams.

Kevin Owens and Elias tested the waters of their new alliance and drew more heat than most can remember on any RAW previous, as they blasted the Seattle faithful with an NBA dig that hit too close to home.

The old guard returned to RAW, as Shawn Michaels came to the ring to talk about his unbreakable bond with Triple H; but, the Hall of Famer's speech was cut short by two future Hall of Famers, The Undertaker and Kane, also known as The Brothers of Destruction. The duo lived up to their moniker and not even the reunion of DX could stop them from leaving a path of destruction in their wake.

Things weren't all sunshine and rainbows on RAW. The WWE continues to demonstrate an astonishing ability to waste premiere talent, despite a massive three hours of television time each and every Monday. The company also juggled to sell confused and inundated viewers on a multitude of upcoming events.

We explore all of these and more in the special Super Show-Down Go Home edition of The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly.

The Good - The Legends Return To RAW

The Bro
The Brothers of Destruction Rule The Day

It was extraordinary. In fact, the late great Gorilla Monsoon might say that you could feel the electricity in the air. First WWE Hall of Famer Shawn Michaels, a man who hasn't wrestled in nearly a decade, made his way to the ring to his "Sexy Boy" theme. He isn't quite as sexy as he used to be. He has cobwebs under his eyes and a cowboy hat hides his bald head where long locks used to grow in abundance; but, he still oozes with the ring presence of one of the greatest wrestlers in history.

Michaels talked about the unbreakable bond he shared with his best friend Triple H and how he was going to get a ticket to Super Show-Down, just like everyone else; but, then things became personal. The Undertaker couldn't leave it alone and pressed Michaels to take a side. It's no wonder that Michaels picked his DX compadre, The two men have been through everything together and it was The Undertaker, after all, who ended Michaels' career at WrestleMania XXVI.

Michaels made clear that he was now coming to Super Show-Down to be in Triple H's corner. If necessary, he would get physical. He offered to keep Kane (Undertaker's cornerman) at bay with some Sweet Chin Music if need be. These are the first steps HBK has taken toward an actual match in nearly ten years. This is a moment. This is history come to visit.

It only gets better from there. First, future Hall of Famer and mayor of Knox County, Tennessee, Kane magically appeared out of nowhere, as he is often known to do. "He's behind you Shawn," the 10-year-old in me screamed to no avail. Then the legendary gong hit and the Dead Man himself arose from whatever depths he resurrected from.

The two future Hall of Famers attacked Michaels; but, then future Hall of Famer Triple H rushed to the ring in a failed attempt to make the save. The Seattle crowd didn't know what to do with themselves, as they burst open with an audible excitement. Seeing these four legends together in anticipation of a match seemed unimaginable only a month ago; but, here it was making jovial children of us all.

Triple H tried; but, success eluded him. He and Michaels couldn't withstand the returning Brothers of Destruction and found themselves the victims of a brutal double choke slam straight from hell.

As a staggering Triple H attempted to find his legs and make his way up, he caught the attention of The Dead Man and found himself the victim of The Undertaker's legendary tombstone piledriver. RAW came to a close with DX unconscious, as The Brothers of Destruction walked the ramp together once again.

If I'm dreaming, don't wake me.

The Good - Will He Or Won't He?

Dean Ambrose
Dean Ambrose laments his lost Universal Championship opportunity on RAW

Dean Ambrose is a loose cannon and not the market tested corporate designed variety either. At least not anymore. He's Brian Pillman and Roddy Piper rolled up into Lethal Weapon's Martin Riggs, the crazy Mel Gibson version.

Ambrose is truly certifiable and that's what makes him so compelling. No one knows what he will do next and everyone underestimates what he's actually capable of doing. He's an artist gone mad. RAW is his canvas and we are all trying to figure out just what this wrestling Van Gogh is painting.

As he opened RAW with an in-ring Charley Caruso interview, Ambrose teased that he just might turn on his SHIELD brethren. When asked if he thought about leaving The SHIELD, the Lunatic Fringe replied,

"Sure, I think about a lot of things. Maybe I already did. Maybe I already gave my notice. Maybe I turned in my black uniform.....maybe on the way here I ran Roman's car off the road and he's not going to be here tonight."

Of course, the Seattle crowd cheered and not just about the chance to miss out on Roman Reigns either. They could see that Ambrose is breaking out of his shell and becoming a certifiable force outside of The SHIELD. He's waking from his corporate induced coma and evolving into something else. What that "something else" actually remains to be seen because if Ambrose does anything well, it's to keep us guessing.

In the very same interview, the increasingly volatile Ambrose waxed nostalgic about The SHIELD and said that the trio wasn't a business or a brand; but, a brotherhood that would always ride into battle together. With a touch of Cybil, he also hinted that he just might wait for the perfect time when,

"Nobody is looking, nobody is watching, the perfect time to slip the knife right in their backs."

Fans thought that time may come when Baron Corbin offered Ambrose a choice of three matches; 1. An Intercontinental Championship bout against Seth Rollins, 2. A Universal Championship match against Roman Reigns, or 3. A match against Braun Strowman. When Ambrose expressed interest in fighting Corbin instead, the RAW GM chose for him. The lunatic would tangle with the monster, Braun Strowman.

Later in the evening, as Ambrose iced his wounds from his loss to Strowman, he hinted to Seth Rollins that he could be Intercontinental Champion. Later he told Roman Reigns that if he wasn't such a nice guy, he could be Universal Champion. Everyone is dumbfounded. No one knows what comes next or when.

Will Dean Ambrose turn on his SHIELD brothers? Yes! Maybe...Not a chance? Who knows? One thing is certain, Ambrose will keep things interesting, keep us guessing, and keep us tuning in.

The Good - Heat

The new band gen
The new band generates a massive amount of heat in Seattle, Washington

He knew just what to say. A good heel always does. He looks for the festering wound, the one that won't heal, the reminder of what's most painful.

When Elias and his new best friend, Kevin Owens, made their way to the ring for another unwelcome ditty, the Seattle faithful never expected to be so belittled, so verbally assaulted, or painfully insulted. Who would have guessed that basketball was such an arduous subject? Elias, that's who.

Elias broke their northeast grunge reliant hearts when he degraded them with,

"Seattle having a basketball team makes no sense."

The Supersonics left town a decade ago and took future Hall of Famer Kevin Durant with them to Oklahoma while he was in his prime. Seattle hasn't had a team since and they are really pissed.

The remark caused the audience to raucously boo for approximately ten minutes. The angry hissing was so deafening that Elias and Owens could hardly be heard...on microphones! This is what good heels do and Elias is one of the very best. Just ask Seattle.

The Bad - Wasted Talent

Is anyone e
Is anyone excited for this barn burner on RAW?

It's inexcusable. With more than three hours of programming on Mondays alone, a Tuesday show in Smackdown, and their own network, the WWE has no business ever wasting elite talent; but, does so routinely at a nauseating pace.

Bobby Roode was one of the best wrestlers in NXT & was over both as NXT Champion and as one of the brand's most hated heels; but, he has fallen flat since debuting on the main roster last year. Instead of Roode being pushed as a heel, which is something he excels at, he is being pushed as a babyface better known for his entrance music, elaborate robes, and "glorious" antics than anything else.

He is a man being marketed as a toy. One thing is certain. He is better than a mid-carder who loses cleanly to Konnor from The Ascension. That was anything; but, glorious.

Chad Gable is one of the best technical wrestlers on the entire roster; but, since creative is clueless on how to use him, he is stuck in a dead end tag team with Bobby Roode. Why are they a team? The only thing the two have in common is that neither have any legitimate creative direction. Wouldn't Chad Gable, who can put on four or five-star bouts, be better utilized in The United States or Intercontinental Championship picture?

Finn Balor and Bayley have been relegated to promoting the Mixed Match Challenge. Bayley was one of the top stars coming out of NXT and drew comparisons to future Hall of Famer John Cena; but, her character development has stalled on RAW. Notice the pattern here?

Finn Balor, one of the most talented wrestlers in the world, was relegated to being Bayley's corner man opposite Jinder Mahal in a meaningless match against Alicia Fox. This is the first ever Universal Champion being reduced to nothing more than a glorified pitchman for an internet television show no one asked for in the first place.

If WWE won't do better for their fans, they should do better for their own talent, who deserve much better than this.

The Ugly - Too Much

WWE Super Show-Down

First, there is WWE's Super Show-Down, which airs live from Australia this Saturday morning sometime before God wakes up.

Then there's October 16th's Smackdown 1000 featuring the reunion of Batista and Evolution. "Don't forget to tune in."

WWE Smackdown 1000

Then there's Evolution, the historic all-female pay-per-view that takes place on October 28th.

WWE Evoluti
WWE Evolution

Of course, there's November 2nd's Crown Jewel live from Saudi Arabia where no women are even allowed to wrestle.

WWE Crown J
WWE Crown Jewel

Don't forget everyone's favourite, the aforementioned Mixed Match Challenge.

WWE Mixed Ma
WWE Mixed Match Challenge

For those keeping track at home that's 5 events taking place within approximately one month's time. Who can keep track of it all, much less sell them? The WWE has the unfortunate task of trying to sell all of them simultaneously, which only clouds the creative waters and maddeningly confounds viewers.

Baron Corbin wouldn't allow Roman Reigns to put his Universal Championship on the line because Reigns will be defending it against both Braun Strowman and Brock Lesnar in a Triple Threat Match at Crown Jewel.

Bayley (with Finn Balor) was booked to fight Alicia Fox (with Jinder Mahal) in a match that put sleepless Seattle to bed because of the all-important Mixed Match Challenge. WWE can't understand why people won't watch the Mixed Match Challenge so in between promoting Smackdown 1000, Evolution, Crown Jewel, and Super Show-Down, Michael Cole of all people, provided a step by step instructional on how to watch on Facebook.

Fans know how to use Facebook. There's just nothing intriguing about meaningless mixed matches lost in a sea of other events and fans are simply refusing to tune in. It's content overload and the more saturated it all becomes, the more meaningless it all becomes.

We won't ever go back to the days where we have four big pay-per-views, every one significant and meaningful, after three months or more of the build. There's too much revenue involved to ever go back; but, is it too much to ask to just have one event at a time? Asking for some friends, millions of whom won't be watching The Mixed Match Challenge, I promise.

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