AEW Dark Results - Released WWE star debuts to face Eddie Kingston, Big upset, Controversial end to main event, and more (5th October 2021)

Episode #111 of AEW Dark featured multiple debuts and some big moments.
Episode #111 of AEW Dark featured multiple debuts and some big moments.

Sonny Kiss vs. Kal Herro on AEW Dark

Sonny Kiss and Kal Herro started the AEW Dark match with a collar and elbow tie-up. Herro looked confident as he took Sonny down. Kiss responded with an aggressive takedown and some follow-up ground and pound.

Sonny landed two clotheslines before connecting with an enziguri. Kiss then dropped Herro with a corkscrew kick and finished the match with a modified TKO.

Result: Sonny Kiss def. Kal Herro on AEW Dark

Grade: C

Kris Statlander (w/ Chuck Taylor and Wheeler Yuta) vs. Zeda Zhang on AEW Dark

Zhang took Statlander's back in the early stages. Both women got into an intense sequence as Zhang avoided Statlander's boop.

Kris connected with an uppercut before rolling through into a cover. She decked Zhang with a big boot followed by a delayed body slam.

Zeda fought back after avoiding a senton. She hit two snap suplexes and gathered some momentum with a curved kick across Statlander's jaw for a two-count.

Statlander reversed the kitchen sink pinfall attempt into a roll-up followed by a straight kick. Kris landed a running elbow strike in the corner and another knee for added damage.

Statlander had Zhang in the atomic chair position before smashing her face into the mat. AEW's Alien forced Zhang to tap out to the spider crab submission.

Result: Kris Statlander def. Zeda Zhang

Grade: B

Madi Wrenkowski vs. Skye Blue on AEW Dark

Wrenkowski took Blue down with ease and taunted the crowd to begin the match. Skye Blue instantly responded with a quick roll-up and a few arm-drags.

Madi dropped Blue down with a running scissor kick. She ignored the pin and got distracted by the fans. Blue showed resiliency to break free from a dragon sleeper hold in the center of the ring.

Skye Blue delivered two big clotheslines to initiate her comeback. Blue went up to the top and got a two-count with a diving crossbody.

Skye eventually got the win with a thrust kick followed by a bridged Fisherwoman's suplex.

Result: Skye Blue def. Madi Wrenkowski on AEW Dark

Grade: B

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