AEW New Year's Smash Night 2 Results:  Sting interferes in title match, Top star forced to be former WWE Superstar's butler

Sting had a decisive role in the main event
Sting had a decisive role in the main event

Jungle Boy and Marko Stunt vs FTR on AEW Dynamite

The former AEW World Tag Team Champions were in action next as they took on Jungle Boy and Marko Stunt of Jurassic Express. FTR have only lost to The Young Bucks so far in their AEW career and came out looking to impress once again.

Marko Stunt and Cash Wheeler started the match for their respective teams. Wheeler carried Marko over to their corner and tagged in Dax Harwood. Stunt slapped Harwood across the face and that was definitely a mistake. Harwood suplexed Stunt across the ring and tagged in Wheeler. FTR then pulled Marko up by the hair and slammed him back down onto the mat.

Stunt tagged in Jungle Boy and they hit both Wheeler and Harwood with crisp double team maneuvers, clearing the ring. Marko Stunt then hit both members of FTR with a suicide dive before Jungle Boy followed it up with a springboard moonsault.

Back from the commercial, FTR were back on top. They had Marko Stunt isolated as they traded tags and continued to work him over. Wheeler locked in a Gory Special but Marko reversed it into a roll-up. Both men tagged out and Jungle Boy came in on the hot tag. Jungle Boy was all over FTR before Stunt tagged back in. Marko hit Harwood with a low blow before hitting a Sliced Bread for a nearfall.

Tully Blanchard got involved from ringside, getting in a shot on Marko Stunt. FTR then hit Stunt with the Big Rig and pinned him.

FTR def. Marko Stunt and Jungle Boy


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