Manon in Street Fighter 6 (Image via Capcom)

How to easily counter Manon in Street Fighter 6

Street Fighter 6 arrived with several new characters who provide a breath of fresh air into this long-running fighting game franchise. One of the latest arrivals is the French celebrity and fighter Manon. Despite being new, she has already captured the attention due to her strength and resilience. Her fighting style combines the technical grappling and tossing of judo with ballet's fluidity, speed, and grace to dish out some mean kicks.

She is also able to quickly close gaps between her and the opponent, allowing her to grab and throw them or execute quick and powerful strikes.


Fighting against Manon in Street Fighter 6


Winning against this formidable French fighter is not easy in Street Fighter 6. Her grabs easily break defenses, and she can chase after those who like to step back with the ability to cover huge distances in the blink of an eye.

If you find yourself facing her, the best way to win is to step it up and put her on the defensive. Focusing on offense and maintaining pressure against Manon will take away her strengths. Keep the gap between you and her small and always look for opportunities to press the attack.

Watch in awe. 🩰

Manon is a well-rounded character with quick, balletic kicks that let her dictate the flow of a match, and powerful judo throws that she can use to break through someone's guard once she's closed in.

At the same time, be on the lookout for her grabs. Her grappling ability can easily turn the fight around if you aren't careful. Use your counters or dodge but do not step too far away while avoiding her grabs or kicks. Creating too much space will give her an opportunity to turn the tide by quickly closing the gap for a powerful strike.

Of course, selecting the right character also goes a long way toward securing the victory against Manon.


Choosing the right character


A character capable of dishing out powerful strikes is perfect for countering Manon. Additionally, someone with a long-range attack in their back pocket is perfect for the job.

A classic striker like Ryu is the ideal character to choose against Manon. He has quick and powerful strikes with decent reach. Additionally, he has Hadoken to counter Manon's attempts at creating gaps. He also has a few moves that let him advance toward his enemies.

Face off against Manon in Street Fighter 6, now available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.

Edited by
Sijo Samuel Paul
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