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  • "The game is a miserable experience": Battlefield 2042 players are furious at lack of squad management and server browsers
The squad management of the game has been a major cause of concern (Image via DICE)

"The game is a miserable experience": Battlefield 2042 players are furious at lack of squad management and server browsers

For Battlefield 2042, the emphasis should have been on squad-based battles that would promote coordination and strategic work. Unfortunately, the existing system enables the opposite, much to the fans' disappointment. This has led to players discussing the current system and why it was implemented in such a way in the first place.


The complaints against Battlefield 2042 haven't been less, as many players have pointed out the major shortcomings. The game was supposed to be the franchise's next step, but it has transpired differently. Many players don't understand how the squads are assigned during matchmaking. While some of the major problems might result from bugs, the problem with the squads seems to have been a poor decision from DICE.

Battlefield 2042 community reacts to the lack of squad management in the game


Reddit user u/Crafty_Maybe4476 posted about the lack of squad management in the game. The player narrated instances where they wanted to play with their friends but could not do so. The user failed to understand why the game didn't get such basic things correct among all the existing problems.


Other users also expressed their opinions on the entire issue and what they thought was the probable reason. One user stated that things had been oversimplified in Battlefield 2042 for no reason, and the game has been made so that it delivers the bare minimum.

A few players wanted to see the kind of research that goes in at DICE and what has resulted in the developers making such decisions.


One player believed there were enough signs to hint that Battlefield 2042 was developed to become a battle royale.


Many believe that the game has missed basic gameplay features. One player indicated that the lack of squad management is one such thing that users refer to as missing features. They even think that no amount of content addition will solve the matter.


Another player also added that the new maps would not solve the problems that are already there in the game. Unless those issues are resolved, the game will continue to face criticism from all its players.


Some even discussed how their friends have switched to other games since Battlefield 2042 won't let them play in larger groups.


The server browser is another feature that has been missing in the game for a really long time. Players have asked to have the facility but to no avail.


Some players just don't understand why there are no persistent servers or squad management in the game, to begin with.

The problem with the server browser and squad management has been there for a really long time. It's unclear why DICE decided to keep the features as they are and not fix them, but players will hope that some attention will be paid to them in the future.

Edited by
Shaheen Banu
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