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  • (G)I-DLE ex-member Soo-jin’s exclusive contract ended by Cube Entertainment
The decision has been taken in light of the results of the bullying charges investigation (Image via gidle_soojin/Instagram)

(G)I-DLE ex-member Soo-jin’s exclusive contract ended by Cube Entertainment

The careers of many artists in the Korean entertainment industry have been impacted due to accusations of bullying, and the latest name on the list is K-pop singer Soo-jin.

As per a recently released statement by talent agency and music production company Cube Entertainment, the singer’s exclusive contract has been terminated based on the results of a police investigation.


Cube Entertainment cuts ties with Soo-jin

In their latest statement, the entertainment company shared (via Soompi) that they have nullified their contract with Soo-jin, and that they respect the police investigation that was conducted to delve deeper into the bullying charges leveled against the artist.

“We are notifying you that the exclusive contract with our agency’s artist Soojin has been terminated. For a long time, our company and Soojin tried to uncover the truth about the controversy raised in February of last year through a police investigation, but the police found that [the accuser(s)] were not guilty (no charges).”

They also apologized for “causing concern to many people with this incident.”


The bullying charges against her

The accusations against Soo-jin were made on social media in February 2021, with a former classmate and her older sister blaming the artist for being a bully in school. As per their alleged claims, she had hit the said classmate and even tried to make her an outcast by pushing her classmates into ostracizing her.


This was followed by actress Seo Shin-ae, who had studied with the K-pop singer, supporting the claims and revealing that she too was bullied by the singer. The Latata singer denied the accusations, claiming on the fan platform U Cube (via The Straits Times) that she “stood out” as a student because of which “bad rumors always followed [her] around.”


Meanwhile, Cube Entertainment filed criminal complaints against the accusers and vowed to investigate the accusations. But the singer soon went on a hiatus from (G)I-DLE, followed by the announcement that she had decided to step down from the girl group in light of the ongoing investigation against her.

Soo-jin is yet to officially address Cube Entertainment's termination of her contract.

Edited by
Sandeep Banerjee
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