Moon Knight is up to Episode 3 in its Disney+ series and is doing well amongst fans. We've been introduced to all the major players, including some new avatars. Like any good story that keeps audiences interested, Moon Knight gives just enough while begging for more to be answered. For example, who killed Arthur Harrow's men if it wasn't Marc or Steven? What happens to Khonshu now?
These are the types of questions fans should be asking themselves and, if all goes according to plan, should be answered before the series ends. Another thing this series does well is lend it to theories about Moon Knight and the MCU as a whole. There are a few that hint at potential story possibilities for the future of the MCU and some that change nothing but are interesting.
5 theories about Moon Knight's MCU future
1) Latveria was in Episode 1

Was that European village Steven found himself near the end of Episode 1 Latveria? Casual viewers would have thought nothing of it, but it was a big hint for hardcore comic book fans. Latveria is home to the technological and magical genius, Doctor Doom. Fans have been wanting Victor Von Doom to make his MCU appearance for some time now.
This little village with a castle overlooking it could be just that. Latveria has traditional European architecture, much like this town did. On top of a Fantastic Four project being announced already, using existing MCU properties to hint at and introduce new characters is not unheard of by Marvel. Perhaps there will be solid confirmation before the end of the series.
2) Kang was Ammit's avatar

Ammit, the Devourer of Souls, is an Egyptian goddess who once had her own avatar to walk amongst the mortals of Earth. This theory requires fans to recall a little remark from Ethan Hawke's Harrow in Episode 1 and some background knowledge on Kang the Conqueror. In the comics, Kang at one point went back in time to ancient Egypt and took on the name Rama-Tut, or the Pharaoh Rama-Tut.
Kang likely became Ammit's avatar, having a similar desire to judge others. He is also smart, clever, and capable enough to betray Ammit. Betraying a god is no easy feat and requires someone with higher intelligence. Nathaniel Richards (Kang) meets that qualification.
3) Marc didn't blip because he was dead

Moon Knight's origin in the comic begins with Marc Spector dying. That's how he came to be in Khonshu's service. Khonshu saves him, and in return, Marc takes up the mantle of the Knight. In Episode 2, Steven Grant finds Marc Spector's storage locker and comes across a passport that was issued in December of 2018. Thanos snapped his fingers earlier that year.
The snap may be included in Moon Knight's origin somehow. Perhaps Marc was snapped away and Khonshu had the cosmic juju to prevent it from happening. Maybe Marc died, and since he wasn't alive, he wasn't included in Thanos' snap.
4) Doctor Doom is the villain

Marvel is not above changing a character's story from the source material. One only needs to look at Iron Man 3 for that proof. This theory states that Arthur Harrow is an alias for Victor Von Doom, wearing a spiritual mask rather than a physical one. In the comics, Arthur Harrow is a minor villain who made only one appearance. Someone not worthy of having an entire season of a TV show for himself.
Harrow has also amassed a small army which can be seen as a replacement for Doombots. While Moon Knight and Victor Von Doom have had a run-in or two in the comics, it would be an odd choice to debut such a formidable character in the Disney+ series, but not out of the realm of possibility. After all, they did change the person who delivered Spider-Man's most popular quote.
5) Layla is Marlena Alraune

It's not uncommon for movie producers and screenwriters to change little details from the source material. It's not even unheard of that they completely replace an existing character with someone new that plays the same role. Layla in the Disney+ series is most definitely Marlene Alraune, Marc's love interest from the comics. Her father was even an archeologist that died just like Marlene's.
It is uncertain why the show would change this detail or if it even has. Layla could very well be an alias Marlene is using to avoid someone's attention. In the Moon Knight comics, Raul Bushman killed Marlene's father and attempted to kill Marlene too until Marc intervened. So Layla may be hiding from Bushman, who has not made an appearance on the show.
Moon Knight has remained relatively unconnected to the rest of the MCU. There are plenty of Easter eggs in the larger world where this story takes place. These Easter eggs can often lead to theories, and fans should keep an eagle eye out. Perhaps more will be revealed about Moon Knight's future in the upcoming episodes.