3 tips for dealing with the fog in Tsurumi island in Genshin Impact

Ceremonial Site in Tsurumi Island (Image via Genshin Impact)
Ceremonial Site in Tsurumi Island (Image via Genshin Impact)

Tsurumi island is the sixth island in Inazuma. Genshin Impact 2.2 update finally brings the last island in the Electro region, allowing players to explore an area once again. Just like the other islands, Tsurumi Island has its own unique features. What easily stands out is the fog that surrounds the area.

Tsurumi has the same vibe as Seirai Island, where it's eerie and dark. The Thunderbird island emits an unpleasant atmosphere even for the bravest adventurers. It is said that people often get lost amidst the fog, in the middle of dangerous creatures like the new Rifthounds.

How to deal with Tsurumi Island's Sea of Fog in Genshin Impact

Sea of Fog prompt (Image via Genshin Impact)
Sea of Fog prompt (Image via Genshin Impact)

When you first step into the island, you'll immediately notice how foggy the island is. The range of view is limited, and sometimes, the game will say that you're lost in the fog. When you're lost in the fog, the game will teleport you away. To handle this issue, here are some tips you can follow.

3) Find the Stormstones

Inactive Stormstone (Image via Genshin Impact)
Inactive Stormstone (Image via Genshin Impact)

Stormstones are triangle-shaped stones with a purple Orb inside them. Even amidst the thick fog, these stones can easily be spotted for their soft purple glow. You should always keep an eye out for these stones, especially if you've been wandering aimlessly for long.

2) Utilize the Stormstones

Active Stromstone (Image via Genshin Impact)
Active Stromstone (Image via Genshin Impact)

To use the Stormstones, you have to activate it with an Electro attack. The Orb in the middle will light up, indicating that it's now active. After it's active, you should take some time to stand near these mechanisms every once in a while. Doing so will reduce your invisible fog accumulation.

1) Pay attention to your screen

Tsurumi's fog effect (Image via Genshin Impact)
Tsurumi's fog effect (Image via Genshin Impact)

While the fog's effect accumulates invisibly, you can tell if you've been in the fog for too long. Your screen will start having a white mist around it, limiting your view even more. When this happens, you need to quickly find a Stormstone and stand next to it. Doing so will get rid of the fog's effect, allowing you to explore the island without getting lost.

Tsurumi Island is not only creepy for its thick fog but also for the story inside it. If you have done the Through the Mists quest, you'll quickly learn that this island is a living manifestation of Thundering Fury's artifact lore. The artifact tells a story where a Thunderbird eliminates a whole tribe for killing a boy it considers a friend.

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