Animal Crossing: New Horizons Redditor shares a bizarre issue they had with unannounced villagers

Unannounced villagers are a real menace for players in Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Image via r/AnimalCrossing/Reddit)
Unannounced villagers are a real menace for players in Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Image via r/AnimalCrossing/Reddit)

Nintendo added a lot of features to Animal Crossing: New Horizons with the 2.0 update in November. While most of these features have been widely spoken about, there are also some very minor changes that were made that players are only discovering recently.

Players have enjoyed most of the features that have been added with the update so far, but some of the features have not been well-received by the community. One such feature is the ability for villagers to drop by unannounced. This can cause hindrances to player activities, which is something many players have complained about.

However, a Redditor shared an instance of how a villager not only dropped by unannounced, but also criticized their interior decoration while the player was redecorating their home.

Animal Crossing Redditor shares an unannounced villager's criticism while they were redecorating

Unannounced villager visits are a major problem for players for multiple reasons. Not only do they require players to maintain conversations with villagers while they are busy, they might also have to stop whatever they are doing to talk to the villagers. This is because Nintendo considers it rude for players to be redecorating when they have guests over at their house. Therefore, unannounced villager visits are something players do not really appreciate in the game.

However, this feature can still be bearable if the conversation players have with the villager is pleasant. This was not the case with the Redditor u/AutomaticVegetables. They took to the Animal Crossing subreddit to share how Shino, the Peppy deer villager, came into their house unannounced while they were decorating. Instead of having a nice conversation with them, Shino criticized how empty their house looked, which was obviously because the player was redecorating.

The community echoed the Redditor's annoyance, reiterating how much they disliked this feature that Nintendo has added to the game.

Naturally, while this incident made for a good laugh within the Reddit community, it does not take away from the fact that unannounced visitors barging into a player's house can really disrupt their activities. Hence, players' annoyance with this feature is completely understandable, and hopefully, Nintendo will make some changes to alter the situation with regards to this feature. Till then, players simply have to deal with unannounced villagers and make use of various methods to make them leave faster.

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