As Vex hits the League of Legends PBE patch 11.19 cycle, here is a detailed rundown of all her stats and abilities

Vex's abilities in League of Legends PBE patch 11.19 cycle (Image via Riot Games)
Vex's abilities in League of Legends PBE patch 11.19 cycle (Image via Riot Games)

With League of Legends patch 11.19 on the horizon, Riot is gearing up to release their first Yordle champion in over five years.

The gloomy Yordle will be a mid-lane control mage, with a lot of mobility at her disposal. She will be rather squishy but will excel in bursting down carries as Vex’s kit allows her to have easy access to the enemy’s back line.

She is set to go live with League of Legends patch 11.19, and her kit just got updated to the PBE with some tentative stats. It’s important to note here that her base numbers in the test server right now are not final and will be changing over the course of the coming days.


However, her current kit stats in the League of Legends PBE is a good indicator of the direction that Riot will be looking to take her in the coming days.

Vex's abilities in League of Legends PBE patch 11.19 cycle

The following League of Legends PBE stats have been taken from Surrender@20:

#1. Stats

  • Base HP: 520
  • HP Per Level: 90
  • HP5: 6.5
  • HP Regen Per Level: 0.12
  • Base AD: 54
  • AD Per Level: 2.75
  • Base Mana: 490
  • Mana Per Level: 32
  • Base MR: 28
  • MR Per Level: 0.5
  • Base Armor: 23
  • Armor Per Level: 3.25
  • Attack Speed Per Level: 1
  • Movespeed: 335
  • Attack Range: 550

#2. Abilities

Doom 'n Gloom (Passive)

Vex Passive in League of Legends PBE (Image via Surrender@20)
Vex Passive in League of Legends PBE (Image via Surrender@20)
  • Every [25-16] second Vex becomes afflicted with Doom, causing her next basic Ability to interrupt dashes and Fear enemies for [0.75-1.5] seconds.
  • Whenever a nearby enemy dashes or blinks, Vex marks them with Gloom for 6 seconds. Vex's next Attack against a Gloomed enemy deals an additional [30-180 (+25% AP)] magic damage and reduces this Ability's Cooldown by 25%.
  • Non-champion targets take [40-60%] damage and refund 10% of this Ability's Cooldown.
  • Enemies Feared by this Ability move more slowly the farther they are from Vex.

Mistral Bolt (Q)

Vex Q in League of Legends PBE (Image via Surrender@20)
Vex Q in League of Legends PBE (Image via Surrender@20)
  • 9/8/7/6/5s Cooldown
  • 45/50/55/30/65 Mana
  • Vex launches a wave of mist that deals [60/110/160/210/260 (+60% AP)] magic damage. After a delay, the wave becomes smaller and faster.
  • Consumes Gloom on enemies hit.

Personal Space (W)

Vex W League of Legends PBE (Image via Surrender@20)
Vex W League of Legends PBE (Image via Surrender@20)
  • 20/18/16/14/12s Cooldown
  • 75 Mana
  • Vex gains [50/80/110/140/170 (+80% AP)] Shield for 2.5 seconds and emits a shockwave that deals [80/120/160/200/240 (+30% AP)] magic damage.
  • Consumes Gloom on enemies hit.

Looming Darkness (E)

Vex E League of Legends PBE (Image via Surrender@20)
Vex E League of Legends PBE (Image via Surrender@20)
  • 13s Cooldown
  • 70 Mana
  • Vex commands Shadow to fly to a location, increasing in size as it travels. Upon arriving, it deals [50/70/90/110/130 (+40/45/50/55/60% AP)] magic damage and Slows by 30/35/40/45/50% for 2 seconds.
  • Applies Gloom to enemies hit.

Shadow Surge (R)

Vex E League of Legends PBE (Image via Surrender@20)
Vex E League of Legends PBE (Image via Surrender@20)
  • 140/120/100s Cooldown
  • 100 Mana
  • Shadow excitedly surges forward, dealing [75/125/175 (+20% AP)] magic damage and marking the first enemy champion hit for 4 seconds.
  • Recast: Dash to the marked champion, dealing [150/250/350 (+50% AP)] magic damage on arrival.
  • If the marked champion dies within 6 seconds of taking damage from this Ability, its Cooldown is temporarily reset.