Best PUBG Mobile Lite sensitivity settings for low-end Android devices (2021)

Sharing the best sensitivity settings for PUBG Mobile Lite in low-end devices (Image via HDQ Walls)
Sharing the best sensitivity settings for PUBG Mobile Lite in low-end devices (Image via HDQ Walls)

PUBG Mobile Lite is one of the best-known battle royale titles on low-end Android devices. Since its publication, the game has been top-rated and has accumulated an active worldwide player base.

Sensitivity settings are an important factor in deciding a player's gameplay during a battle royale match. Players must then find their optimal sensitivity settings as soon as possible.

This article shares a detailed sensitivity settings recommendation for low-end Android devices that players can follow as a base to tweak the settings according to their comfort level.

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Best sensitivity settings in PUBG Mobile Lite for low-end Android devices

Note: The sensitivity settings listed here are for a low-end device, and the settings are higher than usual. Players might need to make some minor tweaks to get their best sensitivity.

Camera Sensitivity

Camera sensitivity settings in PUBG Mobile Lite for low-end devices
Camera sensitivity settings in PUBG Mobile Lite for low-end devices

These sensitivity settings mainly focus on the camera view shifting when players scope in. Also, the sensitivity setting of "No Scope" causes movement without scoping in.

  • No Scope: 123-125%
  • Red Dot, Holographic, Aim Assist: 66-70%
  • 2x Scope: 33-37%
  • 3x Scope: 23-26%
  • 4x ACOG Scope, VSS: 18-20%
  • 6x Scope: 13-15%
  • 8x Scope: 9-12%

ADS sensitivity

ADS sensitivity settings in PUBG Mobile Lite for low-end devices
ADS sensitivity settings in PUBG Mobile Lite for low-end devices

The most critical sensitivity setting for PUBG Mobile Lite is probably the ADS or Aim Down Sight. When the scope is opened, the ADS is responsible for the vertical recoil, and players can drag the thumb down the screen a little to lower this recoil.

  • No Scope: 122-125%
  • Red Dot, Holographic, Aim Assist: 65-70%
  • 2x Scope: 32-37%
  • 3x Scope: 24-26%
  • 4x ACOG Scope, VSS: 19-22%
  • 6x Scope: 12-16%
  • 8x Scope: 8-13%

For the 'Free Look' sensitivity, the setting should not be on a high or low end of the scale as it does not require to be maximized or minimized. It allows players to look around while moving. Hence, players can leave it on default.


This article does not share the gyroscope's sensitivity as the use of the gyroscope is difficult for many players, especially in low-end devices. Using these settings, players can get their best recoil control on low-end devices.

Also read: PUBG Mobile Lite vs COD Mobile: Which game is the better alternative to Garena Free Fire in 2021?

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