Best starter build for Red Hood in Gotham Knights

Best starter build for Red Hood in Gotham Knighs (Image via WB Games Montreal)
Best starter build for Red Hood in Gotham Knighs (image via WB Games Montreal)

Before the debut of Gotham Knights, Red Hood had a difficult time. He isn't a conventional character for a Batman game because he lacks the melee power of his fellow knights, making him the oddball.

Red Hood is a very challenging character to play in the game as well. This isn't exactly the perfect setup for him, and regardless of what he excels at, his move-sets will always include a glaring discrepancy in comparison to other units. While it will vary from one player to another, the build mentioned here will be a guaranteed starting build for Red Hood in Gotham Knights.

Disclaimer: This article reflects the writer's opinions.

Shiver Shots - Best starter build kit for Red Hood in Gotham Knights

  • Momentum Ability 1: Spoilsport Reload
  • Momentum Ability 2: Mystical Rounds
  • Element: Cryogenic
  • Melee: Gold Pistols
  • Ranged: Gold Rounds
  • Mod: Elemental Effect Buildup
  • Suit: Gold Armour

Speaking of Red Hood's equipment in Gotham Knights, cryogenic is the best element because it enables him to utilize long-range freeze-building. Once your opponent is frozen, you can use it to your advantage by striking your opponent in melee or with a shot to inflict a significant amount of damage to them.

So, in addition to Gold Pistols and Gold Rounds, which are all the most potent versions of these pieces of equipment, you will want something that increases elemental effect buildup in Gotham Knights. Furthermore, it would be best if they caused cryogenic damage as well. To truly protect yourself from enemy attacks, you need any kind of gold armor you may find.

When it comes to Red Hood's Momentum Abilities, it is believed that Spoilsport Reload, which delivers a significant amount of damage in an area, and Mystical Rounds really stand out. Since Mystical Rounds is Red Hood's Ultimate Momentum Ability, it is the most significant. A potent shot is released, effectively eliminating a sizable army of adversaries.

This has some fantastic synergy when used in conjunction with these suggested skill combinations. When utilizing Mystical Rounds, Durca's Training and Shadow Vengeance grant you a second shot while also reducing the amount of time needed for the lock-on.

Due to Red Hood's limited array of melee weapons and assaults, he must rely more on ranged attacks, which substantially increases the strength of the ability and makes it nearly a defensive mechanism that one may rely on for crowd control.

Additionally, having the talent Lucky Rounds and Human Bomb Multiplied will help you and your equipment in a fight. Having them is effective because they assist the remainder of your build, but they are by no means a necessity.

The haunting past of Red Hood

Most brutal vigilante of Gotham (image via WB Games Montréal)
Most brutal vigilante of Gotham (image via WB Games Montréal)

The very first person to assume the role of Robin after Dick Grayson (also known as the Nightwing) was Jason Peter Todd, A.K.A. The Red Hood. Even though Jason was a skilled fighter, he had a high temper and frequently ended up in sticky situations.

Jason once went up against Batman's most recognizable archenemy, the Joker, on his own before assuming the identity of the hooded vigilante Red Hood. He was, however, seemingly killed in the blast. He was later given a new purpose and the identity of Red Hood when Talia al Ghul used the Lazarus pit to resuscitate him.

By this point, Jason had developed a hatred for Batman's principles and thought that the only way to prevent the dark forces from gaining control of Gotham City was to eliminate them permanently.

Jason appeared to be greatly impacted by Bruce's apparent demise in Gotham Knights, which led him to doubt his own morals and his readiness to take on the role of guardian and savior of Gotham City that Bruce had always intended him to.

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