"Brings back the magic of Halo": Halo's co-creator is all praises for Halo Infinite

Halo Infinite has been an amazing game (Image via 343 Industries)
Halo Infinite has been an amazing game (Image via 343 Industries)

Halo Infinite has been a stellar release and can easily be considered among the best games to be released in 2021. From the fun-packed game modes to the beautiful open world of the main campaign, Halo Infinite has delighted fans in many aspects. Such has been the game's design and development that it has not only won over fans and critics, but even creators of earlier Halo games.

It's not uncommon for former developers to applaud a game and their signs of approval are often more meaningful considering that they know about the work which goes on behind the scenes. The accolades for Halo Infinite, coming from their former Creative Art Director, also show the excellent work 343 Industries has managed to produce to make Halo Infinite.

Why Marcus Lehto's approval for Halo Infinite is as important as that of critics and fans

Marcus Lehto has been there with Halo since the beginning days of the franchise. He has been part of Halo games like Halo Combat Evolved, Halo 2 and Halo 3 and has overseen the design mechanics of these games. His work with the franchise could be considered to be the pathmaker of the world and game design adopted by Halo Infinite and other later generations of Halo games.

Marcus may have since joined Electronic Arts to set up his own studio, but it has not dented his love for the Halo franchise. It has been rejuvenated once more with the fun he has been having with Halo Infinite, and he has publicly put out a congratulatory message to the entire team at 343 Industries.

Why is Halo Infinite one of the best games of 2021?

Halo Infinite brings back the iconic fun and arcade-style shooting that any fan can associate with the series. But it also manages to evolve according to recent times, and one of the biggest signs of that is the approach 343 Industries has taken in the multi-player department.

Halo Infinite is not only about multi-player, and the campaign is just as good. The very fact that the majority of the issues right now with the game are just bugs is a testament to the fact that the overall design is fantastic.


With 2022, a new Fracture event is coming up along with the ongoing HCS which has been a great success as well. Halo Infinite is very close to being a polished title and while some work remains in that regard, the game feels amazing to play and has definitely added brownie points for the franchise as a whole.

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