COD Mobile: 3 best guns in Battle Royale

COD Mobile: 3 best guns in Battle Royale
COD Mobile: 3 best guns in Battle Royale

COD Mobile features two primary game modes – Multiplayer and Battle Royale. With the Season 9 update of the game, the developers have brought in several nerfs and changes. They’ve made various additions to the Battle Royale mode in order to enhance the overall experience for the players.

Like most other games, COD Mobile also has a competitive ranked system. Players desire to reach the topmost tier, and the choice of guns plays a significant role in that. This article enlists the three best guns for the Battle Royale mode.

Also Read: How to unlock Poltergeist in COD Mobile

Three best guns in COD Mobile Battle Royale

(All the stats are taken from the loadout section in COD Mobile)

#1 AK-47


The AK-47 is considered as the best weapon in the BR mode. The firearm has the ability to inflict hefty blows to enemies on the battlefield. It is the ideal weapon for close to mid-range encounters. However, the gun should be avoided for long-range duels due to its high recoil. Here are its in-game stats:

  • Damage: 48
  • Fire Rate: 55
  • Accuracy: 67
  • Mobility: 68
  • Range: 58
  • Controls: 44

#2 Chopper


The Chopper is arguably the best LMG present in the game. It has a large magazine size, reasonable fire rate, and decent damage, which makes it a viable option in the Battle Royale mode. With a lot of mid-range battles taking place in the game, the Chopper is preferred by many players. Here are its in-game stats:

  • Damage: 40
  • Fire Rate: 75
  • Accuracy: 43
  • Mobility: 41
  • Range: 46
  • Controls: 52

#3 ASM10


After the recent update, the ASM10 has received several buffs, making it one of the best ARs in COD Mobile. It also has a lower recoil than most of the weapons, enabling the players to use it across multiple ranges. Here are the in-game stats of ASM10:

  • Damage: 49
  • Fire Rate: 55
  • Accuracy: 72
  • Mobility: 57
  • Range: 52
  • Controls: 52

Note: This list is based on personal preference, in-game stats, and performance of the weapons. Some players might prefer specific guns, while others might not.

Also, after the introduction of the new Gunsmith feature, the choice of weapons has become entirely subjective.

Also Read: COD Mobile: 3 best ARs in the game.

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