COD Mobile: Optimal field of view (FOV) for multiplayer and battle royale matches

Enjoy the new FOV settings in COD Mobile multiplayer and battle royale modes (Image via Activision)
Enjoy the new FOV settings in COD Mobile multiplayer and battle royale modes (Image via Activision)

COD Mobile introduced 90 FOV in multiplayer and battle royale, bumping it up from the previous maximum, 75 in Season 6. However, the FOV or field of view settings are quite important to figure out, similar to other settings in the game.

COD Mobile recently added a ton of new settings to the game. Players can select multiple colors for hit markers and hit directions. They can also choose to display the damage number, allowing players to view the amount of damage they are doing to the enemy per shot.

The objective and item markers can also be changed, and players can further adjust the map according to their choices. These settings allow players to be more comfortable with their HUD and use it to manipulate the game accordingly.


What is the field of view setting in COD Mobile

Field of view, or FOV, refers to the extent of the map covered in the screen when seen from the first-person perspective of an in-game character. Simply put, it is the distance a character can view at a time in-game.

The more FOV, the more distance is covered on the screen for the player. While more distance might seem like a useful perk, it often depends on the playstyle of the gamer. In COD Mobile, players will notice that the objects in the map will get stretched.

Furthermore, a wider view angle is created with an increase in FOV. Players who are not acquainted with the wider angle might find it more problematic than useful. It is best to explore which FOV settings suit a player the most rather than simply bumping it all the way up because the feature is available.

Optimal field of view for battle royale and multiplayer

Players in multiplayer modes can experiment with FOV, and most might consider 75-80 to be the optimal range. While 90 FOV might look great on a suitable device, mobile players will find it difficult to spot enemies and objects correctly in the squinched and wide view setting.

Field of view settings in COD Mobile (Image via Call of Duty Mobile)
Field of view settings in COD Mobile (Image via Call of Duty Mobile)

Players who play on a device with a bigger screen than 7 inches might like bumping the FOV up to 85 or 90.

Battle royale players, however, might bump up the FOV to take advantage of the wider view on a bigger map. COD Mobile Battle Royale feels smoother with a wide-angle view and FPP settings. For TTP, however, an 80 FOV should be the sweet spot.

All settings are personal preferences at the end, and players should stick to what they find most comfortable.