COD Mobile Search and Destroy Tips: 5 tips that will help players win more games

Image via Slashgear
Image via Slashgear

Search and Destroy is one of the favorite modes in COD Mobile multiplayer. The mode is reminiscent of Counter Strike, where one team plants a bomb and the other team attempts to defuse it. It has been in the Call of Duty franchise for a long time and the COD Mobile community also enjoys it.

Search and Destroy games give only a single life to each player per round. All other COD Mobile multiplayer modes have respawns

Unlike most other multiplayer modes, Search and Destroy requires some tactical knowledge paired with map awareness to emerge victorious. Here are some tips to help players win Search and Destroy games with ease.

Tips to conquer Search and Destroy in COD Mobile

COD Mobile Search and Destroy Tips
COD Mobile Search and Destroy Tips

1) Use smokes

Smoke grenades are massively underrated in COD Mobile and their importance in Search and Destroy is paramount. Smoke grenades can be used to shield the sniper's line of sight. They are essential to help plant the bomb in the open, and smokes are essential if a player has to defuse the bomb with enemies around.

2) Map awareness

This is perhaps the most important tip for COD Mobile Search and Destroy. Without map awareness, players will find it difficult to locate incoming gunfire or where to expect enemies. They can also fall prey to grenades, thermites and flashes.

Maps like Highrise and Summit are three lane maps with two layers. This means enemies can be underground and flank you at the same time. Map awareness can help win games with relative ease.

3) Use time judiciously

The timer in Search and Destroy runs pretty quickly and players need to keep the time in mind while engaging in gunfights. The bomb plant takes 4 seconds to plant and 5 seconds to defuse. Always guard the bomb once it has been planted because straying away might just give a sly camper exactly five seconds to ninja-defuse it.


4) First blood is important, so are trades

The team which gets first blood usually wins the round. It is therefore important to be clever with the positioning and draw 'first blood' so that the other team gets exposed.

Players also need to be aware of the need to trade out their teammates if the enemy team has bagged the first kill of the round. Trading a kill ensures the balance between the teams numerically stays put.

5) Prioritize the objective; kills are not always important

Sometimes players play for kills and they forget to plant or defuse the bomb. The bomb is the objective of the round, and the match can be won by just defusing or planting it.

Always attempt to plant the bomb in the open, even if it means dying to enemy fire. This will ensure that the rest of the teammates can hold the angles so the enemy cannot defuse it. In COD Mobile Search and Destroy, kill streaks do not count and therefore going after kills is a big mistake all players should avoid.

Disclaimer: This article reflects the views of the author.