COD Warzone has a new door that kills players instantly

Bugged door in Warzone kills instantly/ Image via NAG Magazine
Bugged door in Warzone kills instantly/ Image via NAG Magazine

Call of Duty Warzone is back to being the hub of bugs and glitches. Raven Software has forged a reputation for adding bugs and exploits to the game after every major update. In 2020, there were so many bugs, that, at one point, Warzone players started believing Raven Software was doing it deliberately. Players have now discovered a new bug in Warzone, a few days after the Season 4 update. This bug makes a certain door murderous, and it is sending any player touching it straight to the gulag.


There are all kinds of bugs in Warzone. From ones that take players below the map to destructive weapon camos that make the game unplayable by covering up the entire screen. Players also came across invisible skins, which helped abusers to hide in dark places and just slay any hopeless players who happen to walk across there.

Perhaps the most notorious of all glitches in Warzone is the stim glitch that returns to the game every once in a while. Stim glitch allows players to infinitely stim themselves with health which allows them to stay alive in the gas and therefore automatically win.

Also Read: Call of Duty: Warzone's MG 82 nerf announced merely 24-hours after its release

Murderous door is killing players in Warzone

It is not an exaggeration that this particular door kills a player immediately after touching it.

The door is located at the Salt Mines, and players from all over are posting clips of this door insta killing their teammates if they try to bump it. Players who used to complain about the door mechanics in Modern Warfare will now reconsider their statements as this mysterious door is just not having it.

The Black Ops Cold War and Warzone Trello board has nothing on it which goes on to say that the developers are yet to take notice of this bug. This is concerning, as players have died in tournaments due to this door, and if it is not fixed urgently, abusers will develop a way to trap players and kill them using this door.

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