CS2 community feels Valve silently nerfed AWP

CS2 community feels Valve silently nerfed AWP
CS2 community believes in an AWP nerf that's not been announced (Image via YouTube/@@duwapcs)

Reddit users believe that Valve has silently nerfed AWP in CS2. The AWP is perhaps the most iconic gun from the Counter-Strike games and often, a topic of controversy. Back in the CS: GO days, it was so mobile and accurate that it had to be nerfed a little bit to make sure hip-fire shots didn't headshot players at close to mid-range.

Now, with CS2 slowly gaining more players, Reddit users such as killer_conn believe that perhaps the gun has been nerfed without an announcement.

Now, this can be a controversial take since Valve hasn't officially announced any changes to the weapon. Hence, the idea of a silently nerfed AWP emerges. Players in the comment section of the post complained about finding the weapon unstable and missing shots that should ideally hit.

Comment byu/killer_conn from discussion incs2

Some even reported that flicking with the AWP feels different now. A nerfed AWP would certainly show deficits but flicking is one difficult action to single out. That's because it's difficult to hit shots with a flick regardless. However, feeling different altogether certainly is concerning.

Comment byu/killer_conn from discussion incs2

Meanwhile, another member of the CS2 community recounted their experience of having a lot more AWP kills in CS: GO as compared to CS2. They believe in the nerfed AWP idea because now they collect a lot more kills off of their rifle instead of the S-tier sniper in the game.

CS2 player had more AWP kills in CS: GO (Image via Reddit/u/Kortesch)
CS2 player had more AWP kills in CS: GO (Image via Reddit/u/Kortesch)

In the meantime, some Reddit users had a good reason to not believe that the AWP had been nerfed. They explained that the only difference is how the shots are registered in the newer Counter-Strike game and how it's all faster than CS: GO.

User explains why the shots go wide (Image via Reddit/u/only_crank)
User explains why the shots go wide (Image via Reddit/u/only_crank)

Yet another user who didn't believe in the silently nerfed AWP discussion brought up a similar topic. They explained that the way shot registration is calculated in CS2 is simply different than CS: GO. This causes some shots to fail while others hit.

AWP shots calculated differently (Image via Reddit/u/MyNameJot)
AWP shots calculated differently (Image via Reddit/u/MyNameJot)

Is the nerfed AWP an illusion caused by the new bobbing movement in CS2?

CS2 introduced a brand new bobbing movement in the game, which was extremely different from those in CS: GO. What is bobbing? It's the slight back-and-forth or side-to-side movement of the character and gun models while moving.

The feature was designed to make the game look more realistic. However, for many players, the new movement was a problem and they looked to disable bobbing in CS2. Reducing it to a lesser degree could make a difference. This may help hit more shots and solve the issue with the scope-in looking weird.

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