Dota 2 Guide: Tips to Become Unstoppable as a Mid Laner

Image courtesy: Dota 2 gamepedia website
Image courtesy: Dota 2 gamepedia website

I have often come across mid players who complain that their team is not reacting to the enemy supports ganking mid. On the other hand, mostly in high level games, there is an overreaction to support ganks in mid. Team Radiant support comes and ganks team Dire’s mid laner and suddenly there is a barrage of TPs landing on both sides of the lane to win the fight. Even the carries get involved in the fights.

As much as the concept of counter-ganking is valid and is applied in matches there is a different side to it. The whole point of a mid laner in to make space for the carry player to farm. Carries getting involved in fights is not really an effective way of doing that nor is every other player on the map using TPs to win a fight on mid or their safe lane because it will only create a chaos for the carry. Here is a Dota 2 guide to avoid such situations and make smart plays around the map to enable yourself as a mid and make space for your carry.

#1 Force fights on your offlane

Image courtesy: Youtube website
Image courtesy: Youtube website

There are times when your safe lane is struggling because the enemy is ganking them or the offlaner duo is too much to deal with. In that case going and ganking in your safe lane to relieve the pressure is not the correct play. In fact it will only create more problems for your carry. He might die in the fight and lose even more XP and gold .

The correct play is to force tower of the enemy safelane. Make sure to push the creep wave from your mid tower before going to the offlane, as this will prevent the enemy mid laner to quickly thrive on your tower. The next step is to group up with your offlaner and a single support enabling you to pressurize the enemy safe lane tower and forcing rotations as a result you will create a lot of space for your carry. The enemy team including their carry, will be busy chasing the three of you. In case they don’t they will lose their safe lane tower granting access to you in their jungle.

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#2 Playing pushing and high mobility heroes

Image courtesy: Youtube website
Image courtesy: Youtube website

There are a lot of Dota 2 heroes who have high mobility and can clear wave quickly and easily. Examples being heroes like Ember Spirit, Death Prophet, Lina and Storm Spirit. These heroes in mid often have high damage and kill potential and can pick off enemy heroes. That is exactly what you need to do with them, if you are snowballing mid or even have a decent lane but your whole team is struggling, you do not need to group up with two other heros of your team and disrupt the balance of the game.

Instead, you can make plays yourself like pushing an empty lane, aggressively trying to push tower or picking off a hero in their jungle. The enemy will react to your actions, using their TPs and other resources. If they expend too many heroes, you can always use your high mobility to escape and go to other parts of map to create a similar situation. This will make enemy’s game extremely hard and will create a ton of space for your team. Just be careful not to overextend and start feeding.

#3 Asking teammates to help

Image courtesy: Dota 2 website
Image courtesy: Dota 2 website

As bland as it sounds, Dota is a team game and it is important to use the help of your teammates to win matches and earn MMR. If you are playing ganking mid heroes like Monkey King, Queen of Pain, Ember or Storm Spirit it is important to keep a healthy communication with your teammates, especially the ones who have good disables, silence or slows which can help you finish off enemy heroes very easily. I have seen so many times mid who fail to create an early impact even if they have good farm and are ahead of the enemy mid laner just because they are busy playing their own game and do not communicate.

It is very important to let your team know that you are rotating over to the side lane to get a kill on a specific hero, this will help them get prepared and react well to your play. However, it is very important to keep in mind that you do not stay with these heroes after the gank, as you will need solo XP and leaving mid for a long time gives space to the enemy mid laner too.

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