EDG League of Legends Worlds skins: All expected champions who can receive the cosmetic line

WIll Viper choose Aphelios for his League of Legends Worlds champion skin? (Image via EDG and Riot Games)
WIll Viper choose Aphelios for his League of Legends Worlds champion skin? (Image via EDG and Riot Games)

The League of Legends 2021 World Championship Finals was a five-game nailbiter where LPL’s Edward Gaming, was finally crowned the winner.

They defeated defending champions DAMWON KIA in a hard-fought best-of-5, cementing themselves as the third Chinese roster to ever lift the Summoners Cup.

As custom dictates, the winners of the grand finals get to choose one champion each, who they want to have their own special skins on.

Last year, DAMWON KIA chose Kennen, Nidalee, Twisted Fate, Jhin, and Leona for their special skins. And fans this time around are quite curious as to what EDG will pick for season 11.


Expected League of Legends champions who will get an EDG skin

In the League of Legends Worlds Grand Finals 2021 post-match press conference, the EDG players opened up about which champions they would like for this season’s skins. All the EDG players, Li ‘Flandre’ Xuan-Jun, Zhao ‘Jiejie’ Li-Jie, Lee ‘Scout’ Ye-chan, Park ‘Viper’ Do-hyeon, and Tian ‘Meiko’ Ye, mentioned the names of at least two champions that they want the cosmetic line for.

While the EDG players will only be able to pick one champion for their skin, in the press conference they took multiple names. This did narrow down the possibilities of which champions will be getting the skins once the official decisions are made by both the players and Riot Games.

Here is a list of the League of Legends champions that the EDG players mentioned in the press conference:

  • Flandre (Top Lane): Graves, Jayce
  • Jiejie (Jungle): Jarvan IV, Lee Sin, Olaf, Talon, Viego, Xin Zhao
  • Scout (Mid Lane): Ryze, LeBlanc, Twisted Fate, Zoe
  • Viper (ADC : Ezreal, Aphelios, Lucian
  • Meiko (Support): Lulu, Yuumi, Nami

Viper picking Aphelios as his final decision has a very high probability of coming to fruition, as he was absolutely phenomenal with the League of Legends champion during the finals. He was one of the biggest win conditions against DAMWON KIA and had a masterclass performance with him.

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