Elegy for the End in Genshin Impact: Stats, suitable characters, passive abilities, and more

Elegy for the End is a strong, but niche, 5-star bow in Genshin Impact (Image via Sportskeeda)
Elegy for the End is a strong, but niche, 5-star bow in Genshin Impact (Image via Sportskeeda)

In Genshin Impact, Elegy for the End is a powerful 5-star bow that works as a team-buffing weapon.

Alongside Freedom Sworn and Song of Broken Pines, Elegy for the End is part of the Millennial Movement series. Like others in this set, Elegy is a great weapon for buffing party members. Rumor has it that Elegy for the End will soon return to Genshin Impact's gacha. Therefore, this article compiles all players need to know about the 5-star bow.

Elegy for the End stats and passive effect in Genshin Impact

Max level Elegy for the End (Image via Moba and Chill/YouTube)
Max level Elegy for the End (Image via Moba and Chill/YouTube)

In Genshin Impact, the Elegy for the End bow can reach a base attack of 608, with an Energy Recharge bonus of 55.1%.

Thanks to its passive effect, Elegy for the End provides 60 additional Elemental Mastery to its wielder. Also, when the bow user hits enemies with an Elemental Skill or burst, they gain one Sigil of Remembrance.

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When the character acquires four Sigils, all of them are used to buff all party members for 12 seconds. In this time, characters have 100 extra Elemental Mastery and 20% more ATK.

After triggering the 12-second buff, the Elegy for the End will be unable to grant new Sigils of Remembrance for 20 seconds.

Best Genshin Impact characters to use Elegy of the End

Fischl with Elegy for the End (Image via jujubuns/YouTube)
Fischl with Elegy for the End (Image via jujubuns/YouTube)

The Elegy for the End's wielder doesn't need to be on the field to get Sigils of Remembrance. Therefore, characters who aren't often on the field, like Fischl, can wield this bow to provide team buffs.

Fischl's damage may be higher with The Stringless, but Elegy for the End can provide benefits for the whole team to enjoy.


Elegy for the End is also a great bow for Venti. Though The Stringless once again outclasses the 5-star weapon in terms of raw damage, Elegy provides some other nice benefits.

Venti's burst is one of the best in the game, and Elegy for the End can quickly recover energy for his burst. The extra Elemental Mastery is also very useful for Venti. Ever since the Swirl reaction got the Elemental Mastery buff, many players have build Venti to have as much EM as possible. Elegy for the End supports these Venti builds that prioritize powerful Swirl reactions.

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Amber's Elemental Burst also happens to synchronize well with Elegy for the End. With her burst, she can trigger the Elegy buff quicker than most other bow-users in Genshin Impact. This utility may not be enough to encourage players to build Amber, but those who already use her may consider wishing for Elegy for the End.


Genshin Impact players may soon have the opportunity to wish for Elegy for the End. The bow is not the most necessary weapon in the game, so F2P gamers and low spenders should probably continue to avoid the weapon banner. However, players who decide to summon this bow will have a great weapon for a team-buffer.

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