Everything revealed about Season 6 so far from Fortnite reality logs 

Image via Epic Games
Image via Epic Games

Epic Games finally teased Season 6 with another one of Jonesy's Fortnite reality logs. These reality logs have been standard issues throughout Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 5, and have appeared right before a new hunter joined the island.

Now that the Zero Point is becoming unstable and is on the verge of exploding, Epic Games released another one of their Fortnite reality logs, where Jonesy expresses his displeasure with The Imagined Order for not doing anything about the condition of the Zero Point.

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Do the Fortnite reality logs indicate that Jonesy is stuck on the Fortnite island?


The Fortnite reality log dates back to December 2020, which is when they first started appearing. All these Fortnite reality logs bear a number and a description of the hunter who appears in the game.

The first six Fortnite reality logs describe characters exclusive to Fortnite itself. However, with Darryl and Michonne, the hunters from the Walking Dead, the reality logs start getting a little elaborate.

The trailers corresponding to these Fortnite reality logs indicate that Jonesy has been fighting his way through to get to these hunters.

As the Fortnite reality logs progress, Jonesy's outfit keeps on changing one by one until he's finally all geared up for war, as seen in the Xenomorph announcement trailer.

As mentioned before, the final Fortnite reality log shows Jonesy's displeasure with The Imagined Order. Jonesy claimes that The Imagined Order is doing nothing to help gain control of the Zero Point.

Maybe Jonesy is from the real world and the dimension gun that he has helps him open portals into different realities, from where he recruits his hunters. And just to help him remember the realities he's travelling to, he makes these reality logs.


The dimension gun or the portal gun, whatever it may be called, could possibly function as a bridge which lets Jonesy travel to different realities and back to the real world itself. But The Imagined Order has shut the door somehow and Jonesy can't get back to the real world and is stuck on the island. This could be one possible explanation derived from all the Fortnite reality logs till date.

While all of this is just in theory, the real explanation for these Fortnite reality logs will be available once Fortnite Season 6 goes live. From the looks of it, the story surrounding the Fortnite island is really heating up.

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