Fortnite: An Avengers Crossover event is coming this week

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Fortnite is going to have an Avengers-themed event starting this week. Starting on April 25, the event is going to be a crossover event coinciding with the release of Avengers: Endgame this weekend.

Fortnite brought in Thanos last year in a special Limited Time Mode. It was an event much like the Juggernaut game mode in many games where players could have Thanos' awesome powers and other players fought them to take the Infinity Gauntlet from them.

Thanos from the Fortnite x Infinity War event
Thanos from the Fortnite x Infinity War event

It was sadly quite short-lived but it was perhaps one of the most fun Limited Time Mode events that was launched. Many players could not get enough of the mode. We might get it back this year but we also might get something fresh too.

Want to know what items might feature in the shop tomorrow? Check out our predictions for tomorrow's Fortnite Item Shop

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The tweet from Fortnite revealed a Captain America shield. Is it hinting at an event or potential skins that we could get? Or maybe a Captain America / Avengers themed Limited Time Mode. It could also be a potentially new and powerful item (but hopefully not as powerful as the Infinity Blade which they had to vault completely).

Fortnite might see success by selling or giving away Avengers themed skins as well. The collection of skins is already large and awesome but an Iron Man or Thor themed Fortnite skin might do you one better. Skins have been met with success before too. Epic has also released some NFL and World Cup themed skins as well.

Epic is yet to reveal more information about what we can expect. Some sources have suggested that the Thanos event could make a likely return. It is a nicely timed event, hyping up Fortnite players while they get hyped for Avengers.

The Battle Bus is heading into Fortnite! Check out the final Fortnite item shop today!

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