Genshin Impact 2.2 leaks: Thoma's constellation and passive abilities explained

Thoma will be releasing in Genshin Impact (Image via Genshin Impact/WangshengFuneralParlor)
Thoma will be releasing in Genshin Impact (Image via Genshin Impact/WangshengFuneralParlor)

Genshin Impact will be adding Thoma as a new 4-star playable character to its roster in an upcoming update.

Thoma is a Pyro polearm user, and he brings a fiery offense and defense to any team. Thoma has some powerful abilities and could shift the way Genshin Impact teams are built entirely.

Fans can find out more about Thoma's kit here, including his constellations and passive abilities. Thoma has a lot to offer a Genshin Impact team, and his power can't be understated.

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Genshin Impact: Thoma's constellations, abilities, and more

Thoma has a powerful list of constellations, and as a 4-star character, it will be easier to acquire them than most. Fans will definitely want to summon for additional copies of Thoma as his constellations boost his performance significantly.

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Here are his current leaked constellations, though the translations are inconsistent between sources:

  1. A Comrade's/Friend's Duty: When a Blazing Barrier takes DMG for characters other than Thoma, Thoma's own Elemental Skill cooldown is reduced by 3 seconds, and his Elemental Burst cooldown is reduced by 3 seconds. This can take effect every 20 seconds.
  2. A Subordinate's Skills/Shewd Stuff: Thoma's Elemental Burst duration is increased by 3 seconds.
  3. Fortified Resolve: Increases the level of Thoma's Elemental Skill by 3.
  4. Long Term Planning: When Thoma uses his Elemental Burst, he will instantly regain 15 energy.
  5. Raging Wildfire: Increases the level of Thoma's Elemental Burst by 3.
  6. Burning Heart: When a Blazing Barrier is obtained or stacked, the DMG that party members deal with Normal, Charged, or Plunging Attacks is increased by 15% for 6 seconds.

Thoma's constellations focus on buffing his damage output and cooldowns up until constellation 6, where he can improve the overall damage of the team by a huge amount.

Thoma's passive talents explained

Thoma's passive talents give him some unique bonuses that allow him to perform better on a team and add to his effectiveness. Here's his current passive talent list:

  1. Imbricated Armor: When obtaining or stacking a Blazing Barrier, the current character's Shield Strength will increase by 5% for 6 seconds. This has a max of 5 stacks and can be triggered once every 0.3 seconds.
  2. Flaming Assault: The DMG dealt by Thoma's Elemental Burst is increased by 2.2% of Thoma's Max HP.
  3. Free Fisher: Successful fishing attempts in Inazuma have a 20% chance of doubling the catch.

Thoma's final passive talent can also help fishermen acquire some easy extra fish.

Genshin Impact's newest character Thoma brings a lot to the table and fans will definitely want to give him a try when he releases.

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