Genshin Impact 3.2 worldwide release time and server downtime compensation details

Nahida will release alongside this update (Image via Genshin Impact)
Nahida will release alongside this update (Image via Genshin Impact)

Genshin Impact 3.2 will be released in just a few hours, and players will be able to explore the game's newest update. It will bring tons of unique content, including powerful new bosses, characters, weapons, and story quests.

Players will finally get the chance to summon for the Dendro Archon Nahida, along with a variety of rerun 5-stars like Childe, Yae Miko, and Yoimiya. They will also be able to confront some powerful foes during the 3.2 update, taking on a new weekly boss by its end.

This article will discuss the release details for the 3.2 update.

Genshin Impact 3.2: Worldwide release time and maintenance rewards


Genshin Impact 3.2 will bring a ton of new content to the game, and it is expected to arrive in just a few hours. Players will need to wait through a short maintenance before the update goes live. However, once the maintenance is complete, they can summon on some incredible new banners and relish the update.

They will also receive huge compensation bonuses for waiting through the maintenance, with at least 300 Primogems being up for grabs.

The timer above counts down to the expected worldwide release of Genshin Impact 3.2. Given that the game follows a standardized maintenance and release schedule, fans should be able to rely on the timer regardless of the timezone.

The update maintenance is expected to take around five hours, meaning players will want to ensure their Resin is prepared and that they have plenty of Primogems for the upcoming banners.

The maintenance downtime of Genshin Impact 3.2 will begin at 6 am (UTC+8), and is expected to last until 11 am (UTC+8). This duration may be extended, and for each additional hour before the game releases, players will receive additional compensation Primogems.

However, this has yet to occur in any of Genshin's previous maintenances, so fans will want to check in on the game around 11 am, as the updates usually end a bit before the expected time.

The first banner of the 3.2 update will feature the Dendro Archon Nahida. Fans will want to take advantage of the compensation Primogems they'll receive from the maintenance to summon on her banner.

Nahida has some of the best Dendro abilities in the game, along with some huge buffing skills.

Those who want to build teams around the new element will definitely want to pick her up after the update. Players will also be able to summon for the powerful Pyro DPS Yoimiya during the first phase of the update, alongside 4-stars like Noelle, Bennett, and Razor.


Fans will definitely want to keep an eye on the timer for the Genshin Impact 3.2 update. They will also want to complete its story and take on the new Scaramouche boss, as his drops will be important for leveling new characters like Nahida.

Genshin Impact 3.2 is releasing in just a few hours and fans won't want to miss out.

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