Genshin Impact Childe banner: Release time, countdown, pity & soft pity details

Genshin Impact 2.2 will begin with another rerun of Childe's banner. (Image via miHoYo)
Genshin Impact 2.2 will begin with another rerun of Childe's banner. (Image via miHoYo)

Genshin Impact 2.2 will soon arrive, bringing Childe’s second rerun banner along with the patch.

Two character banners are confirmed for version 2.2. Childe will be the featured 5-star on the first, and Hu Tao will get her rerun banner afterward. For players who want to summon Childe, they will soon get their third opportunity to do so.

They only need to wait a few more hours until Genshin Impact 2.2 is released.

Childe’s rerun banner in Genshin Impact 2.2

In Genshin Impact, Childe’s rerun banner will begin as soon as the 2.2 update is live. Given the maintenance schedule, the banner and version 2.2 should debut at 11.00am (UTC +8) on 13 October 2021. At the time of writing, Childe’s banner is now just 7 hours away.

In other time zones, Childe’s rerun banner will begin at the following times:

  • China: 13 October 2021, 11.00am (CST)
  • India: 13 October 2021, 8.30am (IST)
  • Japan: 13 October 2021, 12.00pm (JST)
  • UK: 13 October 2021, 4.00am (BST)
  • USA: 12 October 2021, 11.00pm (EDT)

It’s possible that maintenance may end early, making version 2.2 and Childe’s banner arrive ahead of schedule. The latter should last for three weeks regardless, followed by Hu Tao’s rerun for the next three weeks.

How to count pity for Childe’s banner in Genshin Impact 2.2

Childe in the character archive (Image via Genshin Impact)
Childe in the character archive (Image via Genshin Impact)

In Genshin Impact, gacha banners use a “pity” mechanic to ensure that one gets 4-star and 5-star characters along with weapons every so often. In the character event banner that will feature Childe, players get a 4-star reward every 10 wishes and a 5-star one at every 90 wishes.

Although they are guaranteed a 5-star character from the banner for every 90 wishes, there is no certainty of getting the banner-exclusive unit. If their last 5-star pull was the featured character, they have just a 50-50 chance in their next attempt to do the same.

However, if players instead get a standard banner 5-star, their next 5-star acquisition is guaranteed to be the featured character.

Thankfully, pity carries over when banners rotate. So those who’ve used wishes on the character banner since their last 5-star pull will maintain that pity when Childe appears.

One can check their pity for Childe by looking at the History tab on the character event banner. This tab shows a table of a player’s summons in order of latest to oldest. They just need to count the number of wishes they’ve used since their last 5-star pull.

Character event banner history (Image via Genshin Impact)
Character event banner history (Image via Genshin Impact)

The banner history above shows zero pity, so it may take 90 wishes to get the next 5-star character, such as Childe. However, thanks to “soft pity,” the issue has been somewhat resolved.

Soft pity, on the character event banner, makes the probability of a 5-star pull much higher, starting at around 75 wishes.

Childe is a great Hydro DPS in Genshin Impact, able to attack in rapid succession for tons of damage output. He can switch between ranged bow attacks and Hydro-infused melee slashes thanks to his Elemental Skill.

With this combat style, it's safe to say that Childe is one of the most unique playable characters in Genshin Impact. Players will have the next three weeks to get the Primogems required to summon him.