Genshin Impact Dandelion Seeds location: Where to find, farm, and use

Dandelion seed in Genshin impact
Dandelion Seed farming guide (image via Sportskeeda)

Eula is one of the most fan-favorite characters in Genshin Impact, and many players are farming materials to build her.

One item that every Eula player needs is Dandelion Seeds. This is a necessary item for ascending Eula, and to ascend her fully, players need a total of 168 Dandelion Seeds. This local specialty is native to Mondstadt and can be somewhat tedious to farm. So to help players find and collect this item more easily, this article details the best places to look for Dandelion Seeds.

Where to find Dandelion Seeds in Genshin Impact?

Dandelion Seed (image via ConCon)
Dandelion Seed (image via ConCon)

Dandelion Seeds are a unique resource in Genshin Impact, as they can only be obtained by performing an Anemo attack on a Dandelion. After attacking it just once, the flower always drops one Dandelion Seed.

Farming Dandelion Seeds can be very time-consuming; Dandelions aren’t the most common flower in the game and have relatively few spawn points compared to most flowers. Also, since it is a local specialty, the Dandelions take three days to respawn.

Fortunately, Dandelion Seeds are very easy to see in the wild, thanks to their bright blue color. The farming routes are also fairly short and simple, so players should have no problem collecting a good handful of Dandelion Seeds every few days.

Where to find Dandelion Seeds

The best place to find Dandelion Seeds is outside the city walls of Mondstadt. There are several Dandelions scattered in front of the main city entrance and the north side of the wall.

Dandelion Seeds near Mondstadt walls (image via miHoYo)
Dandelion Seeds near Mondstadt walls (image via miHoYo)

Players can also find Dandelion Seeds in the open field northwest of Dragonspine. There are a few clusters here, and the field is open enough that players should be able to see the nearest Dandelions from a good distance away.

Dandelion Seeds near Dragonspine (image via miHoYo)
Dandelion Seeds near Dragonspine (image via miHoYo)

There are several other good farming locations for Dandelion Seeds, including Starfell Lake and the cliff north of Dawn Winery. Players can refer to the map below to track down all of the Dandelion Seeds in Genshin Impact.

All locations for Dandelion Seeds (image via miHoYo)
All locations for Dandelion Seeds (image via miHoYo)

To farm Dandelion Seeds as quickly as possible, players should deploy either Sucrose or Venti in Genshin Impact. Any Anemo character will do, but these two characters don’t rely on Elemental abilities with cooldowns to create an Anemo attack.

Having Klee on the team is also a good strategy for farming Dandelion Seeds. Owing to her passive talent, “All of my Treasure,” she displays the nearest Mondstadt local specialty on the map with an icon. So, players can go to a good farming location and use Klee’s talent to help find the exact locations of the Dandelion Seeds.

168 Dandelion Seeds is a tall order for ascending Eula. And because of their three-day respawn time, late-game players who want to advance their new character should start farming Dandelion Seeds as soon as possible.

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