Genshin Impact tier list maker (November 2021): Create character tiers easily

Genshin Impact character tier list (Image via Tier Maker)
Genshin Impact character tier list (Image via Tier Maker)

Genshin Impact has well over 35 playable characters, each with unique traits and skillsets. The overall addictive nature of this open-world gacha game relies mainly on the combat and the aesthetics of each character. While some are pretty rare to come by, one can build a unit from scratch with the proper knowledge of artifacts and weapons.

However, some players love to see their character deal with the big numbers in Genshin Impact. From the rarest characters to the most easily accessible ones, one might feel a little lost when picking the suitable unit for a team. Thankfully, tier lists from the community help out a lot in this case.

Players can make their tiers with their favorite characters or view some of the pre-made ones from the Genshin Impact community for suggestions.

How to make a tier list for Genshin Impact characters in Tier Maker (November 2021)

Tier Maker allows players to make tier lists related to Genshin Impact alongside various other games. With the ongoing 2.2 version introducing the newest pyro polearm, Thoma, players are eager to see exactly where the latest character stands among other existing ones.

Aside from video games, Tier Maker also allows fans worldwide to make lists of shows, manga, anime, food, and much more. To get started, it is recommended for users to create an account using their existing Twitter login and get started with one out of numerous other templates.

Some of the Genshin Impact templates in Tier Maker include:

  1. Genshin Impact characters 2.2
  2. Genshin Impact character tier list
  3. DPS tier list
  4. Support tier list
  5. Genshin Impact characters 1.3
  6. Enemies tier list

The primary feature that makes Tier Maker so easy to use is its drag feature. Users can create any list by clicking and dragging images from the bottom part of the screen onto the pre-made template on the site.

Genshin Impact enemies tier list (Image via Tier Maker)
Genshin Impact enemies tier list (Image via Tier Maker)

One thing to note here is that a tier list can be made from very scratch as well. This can be done by selecting a custom name for the tier alongside picking a category, uploading an image for the cover, and putting in the template description. Users can further change the background colors of rows and columns as well.

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