Genshin Impact: Where to find Cecilia flower in the game

Everything to know about Cecilia Flowers in Genshin Impact
Everything to know about Cecilia Flowers in Genshin Impact

Cecilia flowers are a specialty resource in Genshin Impact that are essential for Venti's ascension in the game.

Considering that miHoYo has revealed a Venti banner rerun in update 1.4, it is obvious that players will be on the hunt for Cecilia flowers to unlock the character's full potential in Genshin Impact.

Since Cecilia flowers are a specialty resource, players are expected to face some struggles in their quest of collecting this flower.

Instead of scavenging the entire realm of Genshin Impact, players can also purchase Cecilia flowers from the flower vendor located in Mondstadt.


Cecilia flowers in Genshin Impact

Players who do not wish to spend in-game currency to purchase Cecilia flowers in Genshin Impact can find these rare flowers in abundance in one specific region. To access this location, players will need to head over to Starfell Valley in the Mondstadt region.

Once there, players will need to start moving towards Starsnatch Cliff. This specific region is filled with Cecilia flowers and players can collect as many as they find growing in the wild.

Here's a image of the Genshin Impact interactive map highlighting the Cecilia flowers at Starsnatch Cliff:

Exact location of Cecilia flowers at Starsnatch Cliff (Image via Genshin Impact interactive map)
Exact location of Cecilia flowers at Starsnatch Cliff (Image via Genshin Impact interactive map)

To level up Venti's Ascension to the maximum level, players will require 168 Cecilia flowers. Besides being used in Venti's Ascension, Cecilia flowers are also essential for crafting an Anemoculus Resonance Stone in Genshin Impact.

The Anemoculus Resonance Stone is a very useful gadget in the game that allows players to search for nearby Anemoculi resources in Genshin Impact.

With Venti's banner rerun coming with update 1.4 in Genshin Impact, players are advised to start collecting as many Cecilia flowers as they can. This will allow the players to upgrade Venti as soon as they grab the anemo-elemental character from the banner in Genshin Impact.

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