Guide to play Kassadin in League of Legends Season 13

Brief Guide to Kassadin in League of Legends season 13 (Image via Riot Games)
Brief Guide to Kassadin in League of Legends Season 13 (Image via Riot Games)

Kassadin is arguably one of the strongest champions in League of Legends Season 13. He is one of the units that can turn the tides of a match at any moment as long as he is able to reach level 16.

A brief guide to playing Kassadin has been provided in this article, including his runes, item builds, and gameplay tips. One of the best things about Kassadin is that he is not very hard to play. This means newer players can pick him up and start winning games with only a few hours of practice. The only thing that Kassadin needs is a lot of farm, which can be the decisive factor that determines the champion's influence in a match.

League of Legends guide to Kassadin in Season 13

Before delving into the guide, a brief overview of Kassadin is crucial. It is essential for players to master farm techniques if they intend to use this champion in the game.

Kassadin thrives with early game momentum gained through early kills or a good cs (creep score). This lead will help increase his damage output in League of Legends.

Additionally, Kassadin excels against melee champions. Despite his reputation as a hard counter, there are several strategies to prevent him from performing at his best.


Champions such as Vi, who can stun him, or ranged champions like Varus and Cassiopeia can pose a challenge for Kassadin during the early game. Curbing his momentum by killing him repeatedly will prevent Kassadin from gaining an advantage and snowballing during the latter part of a match.

With that out of the way, it is now time to focus on the rune path for the champion.

Kassadin Rune Path in League of Legends

Kassadin Rune Path (Image via Riot Games)
Kassadin Rune Path (Image via Riot Games)

Primary Rune (Domination): Electrocute, Sudden Impact, Eyeball Collection, Ultimate Hunter

Secondary Rune (Precision): Presence of Mind, Coup de Grace

This is the best rune choice for Kassadin as he is a champion who loves to burst down enemies with a lot of damage. Electrocute helps with this since it is not only easy to proc but the damage that it deals is also quite significant.

Sudden Impact is a top-tier choice as it increases the damage output from Kassadin's ultimate. Eyeball Collection is extremely valuable when Kassadin has a lead, and Ultimate Hunter provides him with ability haste.

Item build for Kassadin in League of Legends


The item build for Kassadin in Season 13 is as follows:

  • Rod of Ages
  • Seraph's Embrace
  • Void Staff
  • Rabadon's Deathcap
  • Zhonya's Hourglass
  • Sorcerer's Shoes

This is a very stock standard build for Kassadin within League of Legends as it provides immense damage output with practically no opportunities for counterplays. Rod of Ages and Seraph's Embrace are essential items due to their powerful scaling.

Void Staff and Rabadon's Deathcap provide even more damage, and Zhonya's Hourglass is a defensive item that can be built to run away from sticky situations.

Gameplay guide

Once players pick Kassadin in League of Legends, the only thing they should worry about is reaching level 16 as soon as possible. Once Kassadin hits level 16, his ultimate ability has a two-second cooldown. Because of this, he is able to spam it several times and teleport around the fight and deal damage.

At level 16, Kassadin has few counters and can dominate the enemy team alone. However, his laning phase can be difficult, especially against ranged carries, so players who plan on using him will have to stay aware of their surroundings and play safely. In terms of skill allocation, his W and Q abilities need to be maxed out first, followed by his E. The R ability can be leveled up whenever it is available.

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