Gundam Evolution, the Gundam hero shooter in the vein of Overwatch, will launch sometime in 2022. The game will launch in North America, Europe, and Japan, as announced by publisher Bandai Namco on Wednesday. On March 9, Bandai Namco announced that Gundam Evolution, a free-to-play 6v6 hero shooter with objective-based gameplay, will be released later this year on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.
Between April 7 and 12, Gundam Evolution's closed network test for PC will be taking place. Console server testing will take place at a later date, and the specific date has yet to be confirmed. Starting March 9, anyone interested in participating in the PC network test will find the link on the game's Steam page or the official closed network test site.
To apply, simply click "Request Access" under Playtest and fill out the required information. The deadline to sign up is March 28.
Gundam Evolution gameplay and features
According to Ryota Hogaki, Gameplay Director at Bandai Namco Online, it is the:
"Ideal shooter for gamers of all skill levels to enjoy solo or with a group of friends,"
Along with the announcement, Bandai Namco released a Gundam Evolution video, which featured a remixed version of the game's Main Theme by Steve Aoki. A separate gameplay trailer is also available.
Gundam is one of the most well-known anime franchises, and in this video game spinoff, gamers will soon be able to operate their own mobile suits. The MSN-04 Sazabi, MS-06 Zaku II, and System-99 Gundam are among the various mobile suits announced for the game, with more hinted at in an announcement trailer.
The game is a first-person, team-based shooter developed by Bandai Namco Online that features 6v6 action and three objective-based game modes: Point Capture, Domination, and Destruction.
Classic Gundam units, such as the RX-78-2 Gundam and the renowned ASW-G-08 Gundam Barbatos, will be operated by players, each with their distinct offensive and defensive abilities.
Bandai Namco promises a 12-unit starting lineup, with unlocked mobile suits accessible via in-game cash or real-money purchases of EVO Coins. Season passes featuring unlockable cosmetics like mobile suit skins, weapon skins, and weapon charms will be available from the publisher for the game.
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