How to buy and use Overwatch 2 gift cards in 2022?

Everything you need to know about Overwatch 2 gift cards: Where to buy and how to use (Image via Blizzard)
Everything you need to know about Overwatch 2 gift cards: Where to buy and how to use (Image via Blizzard)

Overwatch 2, the free-to-play sequel to the now-discontinued Overwatch (2016), was launched in October 2022 and garnered massive popularity over the months. Apart from new maps, heroes, and improved mechanics, Overwatch 2 now features a range of cosmetics players can buy using real money.

The microtransaction system in the game runs on a made-up currency named Overwatch Coins, which one can buy for themselves or gift to friends through digital or physical cards. A stack of Overwatch Coins may be the perfect gifting option during festivities. Let's look at how one can buy such gift cards and how the recipient can use them.

Everything you need to know about Overwatch 2 gift cards: Where to buy and how to use


The latest competitive fast-paced hero-shooter game from Blizzard offers a plethora of cosmetics, including hero skins, emotes, sprays, weapon skins, Battle Passes, and more. None of the cosmetic items in the game are pay-to-win. Thus, one could continue playing Overwatch 2 for free, enjoy free seasonal updates, and even earn free cosmetics through the standard battlepass.

There are a few ways to buy an Overwatch 2 gift card. You can bank on the one that suits your plan:

  1. Send balance
  2. Gift PlayStation/Xbox gift cards
  3. Buy Overwatch Coins physically redeem codes via retailer outlets- Best Buy, Target, Game Stop- and gift the same.

The most straightforward way would be to gift balance. However, it will act as a digital gift card, which won't have a physical touch. If digital gifting is your thing, follow these steps to gift balance:

  1. Hit the Balance option in the Shop.
  2. Type the amount of balance you want to gift. You can also choose a preset option.
  3. Next, click on Gift Balance.
  4. Enter the recipient's BattleTag or select available options from the droplist.
  5. Complete the payment, and you'll be done.

The recipient will receive an email with instructions to redeem the gift. To redeem the code, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Shop website on a browser.
  2. Log in and head over to Account Settings.
  3. Here, you'll see a Redeem a Code option under Account Overview.
  4. Enter a valid code and click on Redeem Code.

Similarly, you can purchase Xbox or PlayStation gift cards containing credits/balances and send them to your loved ones digitally. You can also find physical gift cards for Xbox and PlayStation via retailers like Best Buy and Target. You can then use the balance to buy Overwatch Coins via the console shop or the in-game store.

Users can also get hold of digital and physical Overwatch 2 gift cards that can be redeemed for Overwatch Coins directly. These can be purchased via Best Buy, Target, and Game Stop's physical outlets.

Note: You can get your gift cards refunded if the code is left unused. Make sure to keep all details handy for physical gift cards to tackle such situations.

Despite Overwatch 2's free-to-play nature, fans find it hard to resist premium items and often indulge in microtransactions. The game lets you earn free Overwatch Coins through weekly missions, but those never turn out to be enough. After all, this is precisely how "free" revenue systems work in video games.

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